Posts by RajeevAher 191
November 09, 2023
dfsdafasd gdghdth dthh hthghg
October 17, 2023
blog to check like count
kjkad kafkjsdkfjaklsdjfk sdkfajsdkfj asdf d faf jakdj d asdfadfjajfia sjdklfja skdfjakadf asdf adsf adfasdf adsf adsfahsgdf asdf adsfajhsdjkfha fds adasdf asdf asdf adadf asdfjakdadf ajsdkfj aklsdsdfk jasdkf dsf asdfsdfasdkfj asdfdf sdf asdf fjdsfk jaskdf ajklsd jfkajdkfjaksdfjasdfjdkf jakdsfj akdsjfk ajdsfk jaksdjf aeiofioadsufioajdf kadjfkajdskfja sdkjaksdjfidshf ajgajdiofuaeioufa sdjfk ajskdfjaksdjfkajsdfkajsdkfj akj adsf asdfa sdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf
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Programming TutorialsWe focus on simplicity. Programming tutorials and examples written in simple, understandable language for beginners. We focus on simplicity. Programming tutorials and examples written in simple, understandable language for beginners.A dedicated group of experts continually working to create programming resources that is accurate and easier to understand. A dedicated group of experts continually working to create programming resources that is accurate and easier to understan
August 18, 2023
HeadingTechnology is the application of knowledge for achieving practical goals in a reproducible way.The word technology can also mean the products resulting from such efforts,[2]: 117 [3] including both tangible tools such as utensils or machines, and intangible ones such as software. Technology plays a critical role in science, engineering, and everyday life.Technology is a term dating back to the early 17th century that meant 'systematic treatment' (from Greek Τεχν&omicro
August 16, 2023
Technological advancements have led to significant changes in Technological advancements have led to significant changes in society. The earliest known technology is the stone tool, used during prehistoric times, followed by the control of fire, which contributed to the growth of the human brain and the development of language during the Ice Age. The invention of the wheel in the Bronze Age allowed greater travel and the creation of more complex machines. More recent technological inventions, i
August 03, 2023
truyugyu uhguigh gy gui igirfgsdifg fduihiur gfv duf gfduifdfi uc gdifedguifd uiff fvgvfv cudcdchbc chuch ghgfgvkd vbfhkvb kbvkjvb jvbjkdf vbdfjkvb kdbjk kdff f
Spring, also known as springtime, is one of the four temperate seasons, succeeding winter and preceding summer. There are various technical definitions of spring, but local usage of the term varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. At the spring (or vernal) equinox, days and nights are approximately twelve hours long, with daytime length increasing and nighttime length decreasin
July 21, 2023
vbcxbfvbfvb bfvbfvbfv
July 17, 2023
Blog blog blog for testing..