The Newbie Zone -- Find A Profitable Niche

Last Update: March 06, 2010

This is the second article in a series I'm doing to help people just like you who feel overwhelmed from all the information at WA. You can find the first article here ... Taking Your First Steps.

Learning how to find a profitable niche is the first affiliate marketing skill you should focus on.

"But what is a profitable niche?"

A profitable niche is a small segment of people who are starving for a solution to their problem and have their credit card in hand, ready to buy it.

You make money when you help them find the solution to their problem.

Let's take a look at an example ...

You're a 21 year old college student who has just met the girl of his dreams.

She's beautiful, smart, funny ... everything you've ever wanted in a girlfriend. And you want nothing more than to ask her out.

There's only one problem ... you don't know how to talk to her. You're absolutely terrified and you just know you'll make a complete fool out of yourself.

So you go online, looking for a solution.

That guy ... let's call him Bob ... is a part of a niche.

Bob's probably not the only guy out there who wants to learn how to talk to the girl of his dreams without making a fool out of himself. (That actually sounds like the start of a pretty good headline.)

Do you think Bob's starving for the solution to his problem? Hell yeah! He's desperate for the solution ... and he's got his credit card ready to go.

"So how do I find a profitable niche?"

Start with Niche Research Made Easy. It's full of great info on how to find a profitable niche. Pay special attention to the "Analyze The Niche" section.

Next, you should check out The Niche Feast. It's a free PDF Kyle and Carson put together to show you how to use simple (and free) online tools to find a profitable niche.

You'll also want to read The IM Lazer and Don't Be Scared Of New Niches. They're short and full of great ideas.

 Des gave a good response to a forum post asking for help with finding a niche.  

Need More Help?

If you need more help finding a profitable niche, I recommend David Bocock's 4 Day Moneymaking Blueprint.

It has 4 videos just on finding a niche.  I learned a lot watching over David's shoulder as he checked out the competition in a niche, figured out what business model they were using, and gave advice on how to avoid the mistakes they were making.

When you get the 4 Day Moneymaking Blueprint, take the time to download the videos to your hard drive.  I learn more every time I watch the videos and it's much easier to watch them if they're saved on your computer.

The videos are in the Flash "FLV" format and some versions of Windows Media Player can't play them.  You can download a free FLV video player from Applian to play them.

Let Me Leave You With This Thought ...

You don't have to find "The Perfect Niche" to get started. The truth is it doesn't even exist.

Just pick one and get started so you can learn the process.  You can always tackle another niche later.


Let's move on to the second skill ...

Discover Good Keywords

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Roy Penrod Premium
You're welcome, Kristeneva. I really hope it helps. Just remember ... you're not alone. If you have a question, ask someone.

And thanks for the gold!
kristeneva Premium
Thanks for this-I have been stuck at the "niche thing" for awhile now. I am going to check out all of those links to help me get started. I look forward to other blogs. Have some gold!