At the SMX conference in Austin, Texas Matt Cutts announced that a Google Panda update would likely be coming on Friday, or no later than Monday. d

This is going to be another massive attack on poor quality content and spam within the Google search engine and will be followed up with another Google Penguin update taking place at some point this year.

Here are some things that have been mentioned recently and some things that I have been advocating for quite some time:

-Link building should be your very last focus. Unnatural "backlinks" will absolutely kill your SEO rankings
-Keyword dense pages and articles appear as spam to Google. If your content is not written in a natural way and you are not considering LSI you will be punished
-Quality content is what Google is after and it will always prevail
-Google is going to be going after merchants that have POOR reviews in Google and lowering their ranks. They are tired of giving rankings to sites that are
-Social engagement and "in content interaction" are important and will be a driving force going forward in terms of ranking and how much Google trusts you.
-If you are not leveraging Google Authorship to let Google track your credibility, soon you may have none.

So get ready, grab your popcorn as there are going to be some big updates this year. If you have made quality content your focus for the last year, something that I have been preaching, you should be just fine with any of these updates.

If you are a black out, Google Panda has it's hand drawn and is going to...

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