10 Lessons in Marketing Brilliance...

Last Update: April 25, 2012

Regardless of the niche you find yourself in, marketers as a whole are always looking for ways to distinguish themselves from others in the same field.

I recently read an article in Entrepreneur Magazine that detailed the top 10 successful marketing campaigns of 2011. I found it to be a great resource for those who may find themselves stuck in a rut, looking for a new way to make themselves stand out from the crowd.

You can check the article out here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/222591


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Labman_1 Premium
Not too sure how to use this information but it is good to have floating around in the gray matter. Thanks for sharing.
kyle Premium
All part of a much larger puzzle. The more you have your in your database, the more you can choose from in a random sort of way (fuels creativity). :)
smokeywins Premium
I found it interesting because it explains the technique behind each. With a little tweaking I'm sure many if not all could apply to IM, especially if you're looking for something to distinguish yourself from everyone else.
kyle Premium
Lululemon Athletica's Ambassador Program, LOL! I swear this was not taken as influence with our Ambassador program (although Lululemon is a local company that started in Vancouver and Victoria).

Some great ads and programs there!