Can WA help me build my Avon business online....

Last Update: April 08, 2010

Due to a recent high level of frustration with my current FT job, I started thinking about ways to build my Avon business. While my primary goal is to get more local customers, I would also like to increase the amount of traffic to my website.

Customers from all over the US can order products from my website and with the help of a coupon code, get their order shipped to them free to their door.

I have been kicking this idea around for awhile now and I know that article marketing may be the best approach, but when I tried to search for keywords I came up with next to nothing.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this as I am really not sure if its worth putting the effort into, or if its something that others have done and failed at...

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Alex Copeland Premium
I actually designed a couple of sites for people here in the UK to promote Avon. They used to have a tough policy on approving third party websites but don't know if that is the same in the US. But yes, it could totally work... if you want some tips or help setting something up feel free to PM me.
rodneyrhino Premium
Use Local internet marketing and get listed on google maps for your town. When you use keywords include the city your from. Example:
Make Money, Houston Make money. Do a video for every key word you want to use. Use article marketing and write about the things the last comment left. You will be on first page of google for your local market. PM me if you need more info.
Jamie Smith Premium
Yes, the techniques from WA will help you
jatdebeaune Premium
Maybe you need to do some offbeat strategy/thinking. One of the things I love about Avon is the way their skin cream repels bugs and makes your skin feel soft at the same time. Used it yesterday before going into my garden. Never garden without it. Works keeping ticks away just great. Maybe you need to write some funny articles from a counter point of view that will draw an audience that buys Avon products. All you need to do is pull them in. There are many people tuned in to the side benefits of Avon cosmetics. Make a list of benefits and draw your keywords from that.