Day 2 - Back to Work....

Last Update: January 12, 2012

After a two day hiatus from any form of productive work, I finally find myself back on track, despite the dreary weather in my neck of the woods.While it sucks to have lost those two days, I now see that it was a break that my body and mind so desperately needed. During those days, I found the time to add a few more items to eBay as well as get some ribbon added to my Etsy shop and in the short term it seems that those efforts have actually paid off.

I have two eBay listings that will sell, and a few of the ribbon rolls have actually made their way out the door. While its not enough to retire on, the little bit I have earned will help with my overall goal of paying off debt.  And the best part of all this is that it helps me get a few more un-needed, ie clutter, items out of the house.

Now that I have successfully managed to tackle my tasks for the day, I again find myself with some time left to attack other tasks unrelated to IM.I believe there may be a trip up into the attic in my future as the floral stuff will not go away on its own, unless I attack it a little bit at a time. So on that note, I am off to tackle other things with a  new found determination to tackle the remaining tasks that the 30 day plan has to throw at me. 

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