Day 3 - 5: Lost in a Blur....

Last Update: January 08, 2012

Well, here it is Sunday and I should already be at the point of researching keywords and writing articles for my site, I somehow find myself sent a bit off course due to a brief visit to the general chat on Friday. While my about me page was relatively easy to setup, I found myself doing a bit of lamenting when it came to coming up with content for my home page. 

Since my shop contains all handmade products, I had originally figured that would be my niche, but there was still a nagging sensation that was telling me that I had too many different products in my shop. Instead of listening to it, I kept dismissing the thoughts as just simple excuses for not moving forward. It wasn't until I discussed my confusion about my home page with Carson that I found that my nagging suspicion about too many un-related items was confirmed. 

Since I sell both handmade housewares items, and handmade kitty/puppy toys, he had advised me that a site on two un-related topics would decrease my conversion rate. In simple terms, if someone came to my site looking for housewares and found content about pet products, they would be more likely to leave than continue on to my store to make a purchase. 

While I was happy to have been pointed in the right direction this early on, I do find myself fighting a bit of frustration as my list of things to do has suddenly grown. It also threw a monkey wrench of sorts into things because I had originally planned to use my shop as a means to offload all the floral supplies I had inherited from my aunt and with my new found knowledge, I am not 100% sure that it fits within my shops niche, and I really don't want to open a 3rd shop in order offload stuff that will not be my full time business. 

I originally started this project as a means to get more sales in my shop without having to spend my own money like I have in the past and now I find myself the owner of not 1 but 2 new domains: AND, but I find myself at a bit of a loss as to where to go from here. Do I keep working on my first site, even though the shop will still contain information that is un-related to my niche, or do I give up on that shop for now and direct all my efforts to my second shop as it is the only one in my arsenal right now with a fully streamlined inventory of ONLY pet toys. 

Part of me knows that I need to choose option 2,  but then I still find myself a bit confused with how to get rid of all the supplies I currently have, especially when I don't have the available funds to follow the path that I have been on for so long. Hmm, guess I'll have to sleep on it and hopefully when I wake up tomorrow morning, all my questions will be answered for me and I will be back on the path to success....

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tcmark Premium
Having 2 or 3 sites/shops 80% finished = 0% finished = not happy
1 site/shop 100% finished = something accomplished to move forward with (marketing/sales); gained experience to be quicker/more efficitent with your next site/s

if all your sites/shops are important to you then pick one and stick with it until completed. Since you need all of them whichever you complete first won't be time wasted.

If you have stock to offload, if this is giving you worries and it is not a long term business you intend to run, maybe do not build a site/open shop about it, instead offload via eBay auctions, eBay job lots, eBay/amazon store. This way you won't need to build sites/shops... just list your products, sell them cheap/quick... get rid of it and move on. Then use the money you made to help outsurcing/marketing for your long term sites/shops

I hope this helps a bit
Jave27 Premium
Well, think about this... It probably took you a while to write up this blog post. You could have used that time to add the same amount of content to either site. ;-)

Make yourself a list of things to do each day, and make that list your #1 priority before even bothering to log into WA. In fact, I need to go do that myself now...