Facebook and Marketing

Last Update: August 02, 2011

In an effort to better build my business online, I started thinking about the role that Facebook plays in my marketing efforts. While I do have a personal FB page, I have avoided adding that link to the business social networking sites that I am a member of solely in an effort to keep my personal and business lives separate. 

Currently I have my blog posting updates to my personal FB page, but I feel like I am harassing my friends with my product reviews, so most times I avoid posting information to FB all together. This is the main reason why I started thinking that a Business profile on FB would be worthwhile.

I see that both Kyle and Carson have created pages similar to what I am thinking, but I was wondering if anyone else has done a similar thing, and if they have had any success with it.


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Jamie Smith Premium
I have a personal fb account that I don't spend enough time on. I promote the fb pages for the radio station and both the record labels. Facebook is a powerful element of my marketing mix in terms of the social media and for PPC.
Behealthy Premium
Haven't started building on my page yet. I have one though but only for my main website. I can't keep joining the next best Social Network just to "connect" with people I already know :)
smokeywins Premium
Thanks for the feedback. I don't post much on FB either, but I do follow a lot of businesses etc, for coupons and other promotions. I would really rather keep the 2 separate, that way the second can be used to promote links, as well as a larger reach for my product reviews etc.. It may not work, but it can't hurt to try.
jatdebeaune Premium
I just created a business page. Too soon to tell. I'm going to do a fan page, a Facebook blog too. All for business. I also don't like mixing them up. But I never say anything too personal in Facebook anyway. Hard to avoid mixing it up when you use your real name. I never thought I would ever have anything to do with Facebook. Good for traffic.