Is There a Use for Hidden WP Pages?

Last Update: April 28, 2012

In preparation for the Free 10 day WA test drive that will be released on May 1st, I am in the process of doing a re-work on my Jens Internet Marketing Guide site.

While I am already well aware that the content which it contains is out of date, I recently stumbled upon the fact that I have not 1 but 6 separate pages on my site that are hidden from website navigation, and appear to only be accessible from content that I had submitted to SA and the like.

I guess what I am wondering is if there is really a use for these hidden pages, or are they really an old approach to IM. This site was originally created back in Jan 2011, following the 30 day WA plan run by Marcus which I believe has since been replaced by the standard 30 day plan.

I was thinking about updating the content on these pages, and moving it to a new blog entry. That way anyone who visits the site has access to this content, regardless of how they got there.

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this as I don't want to make a change that will do my site more harm than good.

Oh, and the pages in question are:

There was another page, but I have already changed that as it was my product review page.

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mhamilt Premium
Yes, they don't look like landing pages as such, so you could include them in your navigation in some way. Mark.
Apina Premium
On looking at the pages, they are not landing pages, so I would say include in your navigation or bin which ever is appropriate.