Is this my chance....

Last Update: January 17, 2011

I've been a member here at WA for over a year and for some reason I have yet to get myself to the point of seeing results. For some reason work, life, pretty much anything seems to get in the way. I have been indirectly making excuses for myself for too long and it has to stop.

I don't want to work 9-5 for the rest of my life and I know that WA is my path to get there but for some reason I inadvertently would use the stresses of life as a reason to not work on my goals. 

 In an effort to finally right the wrong path which I have been on for so long, I decided to sign up for the Super Affiliate Article Marketing Club.

I will not let myself quit and hope that this training program will finally get me on the right path to financial success as opposed to feeling like a dog chasing its tail for way too long. 

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