Starting from Scratch... Again!!!

Last Update: March 05, 2010

Late last year I landed upon WA almost on accident. I soon realized that it was the answer to all my money making prayers, but I somehow did not have the time to put into it. I was, and still am, working full time in the IT field, while also doing freelance article writing for others on Elance and oDesk in my free time.

 I just started going through the training and plan to start my marketing WA in order to get my feet wet. My last approach to internet marketing was a little backwards as I currently have some articles out on ezine and ehow, but the links are pointing to squdoo pages that don't seem to be delivering results, besides the fact that I haven't touched those pages in quite awhile. 

 The biggest problem I seem to be running into right now is wrapping my head around doing the keyword searching. I have already done my fair share of article writing for others based on a list of keywords that I was provided with, but now its up to me to come up with successful keywords and so far its turning out to be much harder than I thought since everything I have come up with so far has too much competition. Who would have thought that finding these oh so important kewords would be so dang difficult.....

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caitenmj Premium

quick note of advice that seems to be working so far for me, I take the webpage of the product I want to promote and then paste the webpage in the keyword research tool here and make sure to check off website, and then click on the see results for the keywords, you want to look for one with lower searches and lower competition, if the search result in " " is low, at least 50,000 or under, you have a better chance of targeting that community as compared to one with 100,000 results. Hope that makes sense and I hope it helps!

Take care and good luck!