The Various Terms of Marketing

Last Update: August 04, 2011

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently regarding the right and wrong way to make money online. Depending on where you look the term Affiliate, Network, and Internet seem to be used interchangeably when related to the products being marketed online.

Having been burned many times in the past by the "Guru" set it and forget it programs, I still keep finding myself getting confused by the right and wrong programs to promote. Based on my training here at WA, I know that I need to choose a niche, create a website, then market products that are relevant to that niche on the website. 

But where I get confused is how do you tell the difference between legitimate programs/products to market and those that are classified as scams. One realm that commonly confuses the heck out of me are those that classify themselves as network or affiliate marketing programs, many times referred to as MLM programs. 

In these programs you recruit other members and your earnings are based on the number of people you recruit. I assumed many of these programs were SCAM's in the past simply because i had no clue on how to market a particular product. But with knowledge comes even more confusion. 

 Two programs that I currently find myself up in the air about are and These sites promote themselves as social networks for building an online business with a built in earnings program if you so choose to upgrade your account. 

Do programs like these and other network marketing programs fall in line with what we are learning here at WA, or are they nothing more than the "GURU" programs that Kyle mentioned in one of his recent blog posts.

I don't mind putting in the time and effort required to promote something if its really worth it. At this point I find myself utterly confused and looking for help from those who are more seasoned than I am. I know making money online is not easy, otherwise everyone would do it. I just need help clarifying what to look for when it comes to promoting.

Part of me thinks that it must be a physical product, or ebook. Something that gives the customer something of value and worth for their time and money.  But then the other part of me wonders if these network marketing programs provide value, or if their nothing more than "pipe dreams" with one goal in mind, to make the Guru's rich.

NOTE: Referral links are NOT included in this post. I provided links in hopes of getting honest feedback from my fellow members 

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LittleRhody Premium
I have the best long term success selling subscription sites that pay lifetime commissions, you can experiment with a 1/2 dozen subscription sites and track the sales and where they come from. Then put as much effort as it takes to get them to the income level you want. It really is not that hard to build a dozen of these commission streams over a years time if you work hard. You will be diversified so if one does not do as well another picks up the loss and visa versa. My rule of thumb is if i make a sale I immediately want to find out how i made it and then repeat the process x20 and then sit back and collect data and to stream line my marketing process. Always remember, where there is one sale there are 1000 more of the same sale if you master your marketing technique.
Behealthy Premium
Hey. Firstly, I would personally not waste my time with MLM programs - they do JUST THAT, waste your time. You could be earning so much more with finding a niche or setting up your own website with something you are passionate about or consulting, or adwords or charging for some other IM service. There are so much ways to make money like Kyle said.
You know when something is unworkable or a scam or not worth the effort by experience. You can seek advice from other experienced marketers here or search forums that report scam programs, products etc. One I know of is called You can also find something in the recommended programs forum here and contact the program creator to ask about how to SEO it although you won't get any advice much different from what you learn here anyway.
Also, I think you should keep in mind that something the provides value to a customer is not limited informational or learning items. You said that you want to promote something that provides value and I think you should remember that value is in what ever the market (i.e the searchers, buyers, customers etc) dictate. As an IM'er you are providing answers and value. These can be informational, physical, digital etc. Do not just limit your product search to Physical products or Ebooks - it's whatever is in demand.