Too Many Distractions...

Last Update: March 08, 2011

I have been fighting this for awhile now. I successfully completed the 30 day article marketing club with Marcus and now my attention span seems to have gone out the window. For some reason my attention keeps getting drawn to everything else but what matters most, putting my time into research and adding new content to my site. 

 But instead I find myself wasting time. I have a room full of stuff in the basement that had originally been purchased to sell on eBay/Amazon, and in an effort to get my office back, the stuff has to go. I cringe every time I have to go into that room because its packed full of crap. 

I then get distracted by the fact that the house needs cleaning due to owning pets, particularly the cats which cause their fair share of kitty tumbleweeds. Also in the process of tying up the loose ends with my now closed Avon business. Finalizing the taxes today.

The worst part of all this is the bills. They are the main reason why I started with WA to begin with. My husband and I both work FT, yet our salaries are barely enough to make ends meet.  This causes frustration because most of my day is wasted working a job that seems to suck up all my time, but of course I need it in order to pay the bills. 

I need to find a way to get myself on a better schedule, but I honestly don't know where to start. Right now I keep trying to pack too much into any given day which leaves me frustrated with myself because I wasn't able to get more done, only to repeat the same routine the following day. 

This results in more anger and frustration because I know what the solution is but I just can't seem to get the tasks done. I just wish I knew what the solution was to working through this funk, because if I don't I will be stuck chasing my tail for the rest of my life. 

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Not long before the turn of the century, people were pushing for the 8-8-8 Plan. It finally took hold and became today's standard. This is that plan...8 hours work, 8 hours play and 8 hours sleep. Looks good on paper, but does it really work that way? No. We can see in our lives that it does not. We do get our 8 hours of sleep (if we are lucky.) Our 8-hour per day jobs are actually more than that. We can't forget the lunch hour. Then the commute, then getting ready and preparation for work, then the the thought we put into it as it creeps into our "free" time. Then we have all of our weekly chores, from shopping to raising families. It is no wonder our projects pile up and we wind up with a mess! But then we include television and other forms of leisure. There are ways to get more out of our time. It takes some sacrifice and definitely discipline. You said the keyword here in your article...schedule. Break your task down into bite-sized chunks and then resolve to do them religiously. I'm in the same boat but you have more work hours than I do, so I realize this would be easier for me. This is how I'm going about it. If you have too much holding you back, concentrate on them for awhile. You need your office, so consider that a prerequisite. I certainly don't know your situation, but can your husband put up some shelving for you, even make-shift for now so you can get the stuff more into one place and perhaps compromise part of the room for rapid clean-up? Then you can get rid of it over time and do your Internet marketing. Sometimes we just don't know where to start, but write it all out and you will come up with a plan. Then execute it. The house-cleaning...well, there's no way around that. Sounds like you have to cat-proof your home. I guess Avon has not been working out for less thing to mess with...and perhaps something much better to replace it with! Hope this has helped. The first thing...before even attempting to start anything the clutter. It will clear your mind as well and you will not feel so overwhelmed.
wandah Premium
I can so understand your funk. we run a special care home for addicted teen boys. They live here 24/7 . We just had a crisis this morning. I am trying to organize my blogging and redo stuff on my web page and on and on.

It is enough to make the head spin. It is important to remember there is only one of us. Your WHY has to be bigger than the chaos or we sink.
Do you know why you are doing this. It needs to go deeper than making money. What would that extra money do for your husband and yours lives? What would you use it for ? How would it change things. Going through this list you will find the fire that will keep you going no matter what.
Once you get that. Make a daily list of what you want to accomplish . The guideline will help you alot. But do not beat yourself up if you do not get everything done.
Be fair and reasonable with yourself.

Start another program of structure with WAU. You could maybe set some learning skill sets up for yourself in you have already completed all the stuctured steps of learning with WAU.

Best thing ever is to share as you have today. You are not alone and when we gather and uphold each other up it just makes the load awhole lot lighter.

Have a good day. I will say a prayer for you.
edrika1 Premium
I sympathize with you. I am having the same problem. Although I don't have a lack of focus, I have MANY distractions. A chronically ill son, a 10 yr old who doesn't want to do his homework, a 2yr old in potty training and bouncing off the walls and a shih-tzu who won't stay out of trouble. Then my husband comes home..... I will keep you in prayer.
April2012 Premium
I have a tendency to get distracted by my many projects as well. It is easy to do. I usually do a lot better if I write a list of to do items done and make myself stick with it!
jatdebeaune Premium
I understand, and am faced with this a lot. The only thing that works for me is to take one task at a time. Choose the task that scares you a bit, like using a new software, or whatever intimidates you. After you slay the dragon, everything looks easy. It'll get you on a roll.