Where Did My Ambition Go??

Last Update: January 10, 2012

Its only my second week back at work and I already feel like the life has been sucked out of me leaving me feeling like I don't want to do a damn thing. While I find myself yet to be slapped in the face by the overwhelming feeling that had a hold on me for so long last year, I now find myself just utterly confused as to what to do next.

I know I should work on building my second site, JenniesPetCorner.com, but then I feel myself getting distracted by stuff I still need to get rid of on eBay as well as the plethora of floral supplies that has taken over half the attic. All of which equates to some amount of cash, but my shop also has the ability to deliver cash provided I successfully drive more traffic to my shop. Why do I keep doing this? Why do I let myself get distracted when I should know better by now? Is it my job that does this to me? Or am I just trying to make excuses for myself?

The more I think about it, everything seems to circle back to my job. I MUST work in order to pay the bills, but I do not enjoy my work. I end up turning out on some conference calls because I find I no longer have an interest in expanding my knowledge cause I really do not want to chase down yet another IT job should this contract finally end and it is the instability and utter dislike of being a 9-5er that causes me to pursue other avenues, I just wish I could figure out how to prevent myself from getting pulled in too many directions at once.

Maybe its because I have a house full of stuff that needs to go, or its the fact that I know I have to work on my websites cause I know results will not come in a day. So I end up ping ponging back and forth between things, only to be left with a feeling of having not accomplished a damn thing. What worries me most is I see the anxiety and frustration of last year trying to come back and take its hold on me and I find myself doing my best to keep it at bay cause the last thing I need to do is go back there cause I KNOW nothing good EVER comes from too much frustration. 

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Ripley Premium
You sound so overwhelmed! Step back and take a deep breath. You don't have much control over your "day" job but you have complete control over your websites. When it comes to IM you are your own boss so you need to delegate tasks to yourself on a daily basis. Stick to those tasks and don't get sidetracked. If you come across something of interest that is unrelated to your tasks, make a note. When you finish your tasks for the day then you can go back and review your notes.
iZero Premium
I know the feeling. You working at a job you really don't like yet is the only thing that is promising you money in a set amount of time (either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). This business however, promises so much more.. but you will go a while putting in all this work.. and not making anything for a little while. We all want to reach that end result, where things do pick up and you have enough money to quit your job. All I'm saying.. Is focus on this. if you need further motivation.. Look at the success stories on the forums. Many people saying THIS works, but takes some time. Heck.. One guy that joined.. made a sale in 8 days.. and didn't know anything more than what he was taught here. Now if that isn't motivation.. I don't know what is. So keep at it... we are all here trying to gather the same thing.. that's what we are here for ;P
iZero Premium
I know the feeling. You working at a job you really don't like yet is the only thing that is promising you money in a set amount of time (either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). This business however, promises so much more.. but you will go a while putting in all this work.. and not making anything for a little while. We all want to reach that end result, where things do pick up and you have enough money to quit your job. All I'm saying.. Is focus on this. if you need further motivation.. Look at the success stories on the forums. Many people saying THIS works, but takes some time. Heck.. One guy that joined.. made a sale in 8 days.. and didn't know anything more than what he was taught here. Now if that isn't motivation.. I don't know what is. So keep at it... we are all here trying to gather the same thing.. that's what we are here for ;P
Labman_1 Premium
Prioritize your life. Sit down on Sunday Afternoon or evening and Schedule yourself. Figure out what tasks are the top priorities. Nickle and dime them down until you feel like you have control. Sounds like a classic case of loss of focus. Don't forget to schedule me time for fun and recuperation.
Labman_1 Premium
Prioritize your life. Sit down on Sunday Afternoon or evening and Schedule yourself. Figure out what tasks are the top priorities. Nickle and dime them down until you feel like you have control. Sounds like a classic case of loss of focus.