Why Are We Here?

Last Update: January 26, 2012

I couldn't help but think about this while I was stuck, yet again, on a conference call for work that ran over the allotted time. Now before you go thinking that I'm going to start waxing philosophical about life in general, I'm actually referring to the reasoning why we all find ourselves here at WA.

While most may answer with the reasoning of wanting to make more money for themselves,  the amount that makes one feel comfortable seems to vary from one person to the next. Some may want to do nothing more than make a few extra dollars each week for fun money, while others may see it as the path to self employment so they can finally enjoy life. For me, my desire to stay with WA is about making a better life for myself and my husband. 

We both work at well paying jobs, yet there is not a day that goes by that either of us has not had thoughts of wanting to quit and the conference call I found myself stuck on this morning, brought my utter hate for my job to the forefront. I would have no issues with telling them what to do with their job, if it wasn't for the fact that our livelihood didn't depend so much on the salaries that both hubby and I bring home every other week. 

While some of you may have read my rants in the past, our 5 figures worth of credit card debt, 6 figures with hubbys car and the mortgage, leaves me feeling stuck in a place I cannot easily get out of. Add to that the fact that we live in what can be considered by some to be one of the most expensive states to live in, and we both seem to hit our breaking points on an almost daily basis. I have read all the books, I understand the process of getting out of debt, but it is something that weighs on me every single day and keeps me in a job that consistently leaves me feeling physically and mentally ill but at the same time I have dreams of a life that has to be better than this.

I want to be able to go on vacation, to be able to buy things that we want without the fear of how we're going to pay for something. I know that I cannot continue on the path that I have found myself on for so many years, but there are days where it is hard to see the forest through the trees. And it is on these days that I have come to the realization that I need to just step away from my computer and work on something else until the feeling passes cause I know that my friends here at WA will help support me in achieving the level of success that is right for me. 


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Definitely a lot of us in a similar situation. The Support in learning and moving ahead (and Doing what I am Learning) makes me Know that WA is Really the Community I want (& need) to be part of. I know I am new here Smokeywins, but if there is anything I can do, let me know. Deezdz has some shares on her Blog that were really a boost for me. Sometimes what I Don't Want is my best Motivator (atleast for right now :-) ) Sherry M
I left a post on your earlier post, and this might help. Look into both of the resources I brought up in the other post. Dave Ramsey and John Cummuta (I've purchased Cummuta's course and if followed, you will get out of debt AND pay off your mortgages. You will be instructed to get rid of all credit cards...but before you discount this...look it up on the Internet and see for yourself! If you can cut back on things the best you can and gang it up on your smallest credit debt first, you will be able to move to the next and to the next with a snowball effect. You would hit your mortgage last and your automobiles before this. Before I lost my income altogether, I was using this method and knocked out half of my student loan in a relatively short time! Since then, the loan has climbed back up and past where it was...but that was because I lost the ability to pay on it. Consumer credit debt is what is killing you. Only use credit debt as "debt service." This is, debt that will produce ROI. There is such a thing and wealthy people use it all the time. Consumer credit is total rubbish! You purchase end-user stuff with it and then it wears out...but the debt stays! It sounds like you and your husband and the incomes you make, you can use Cummuta's program and turn that around in five years! Believe me? See for yourself! Dave Ramsey does a very similar thing but more on a Christian perspective. Find a used course on eBay or Amazon. It doesn't have to be new! Look for "Transferring Debt Into Wealth." Get it. Use it. Return the favor by staying in WA and being the helpful person you are!
1. Stop the credit card usage! Important!
2. Cut expenses every way you can to start this.
3. Take savings from this and double up payment on your SMALLEST credit debt.
4. Make sure the extra payment is specified "for principle only." Important!
5. This will knock the crap out of the interest!
6. Do this consistently until paid off.
7. Now you have the extra money from saving on expenses AND money that was paying now paid debt.
8. Gang up on the next highest debt using the same procedure as above.
9. By the time you have only your mortgage left...you get the picture!
10. When you pay off your mortgage (doubling or even tripling payments) you will then take the money that went into debts and invest it!
Remember throughout the entire process as stated below, regard everything here as your steak money! Do not spend it anywhere else if you can help it. This method has been alive for some time and it works! Creditors, finance companies and credit card companies hate it with a passion and they will call you a "deadbeat" because you are undermining the interest and taking thousands of dollars out of their pockets! LOL!
Deezdz Premium
Hang in there Smokeywins...nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Keep dreaming of the days when you can tell your boss bye-bye and you and yours can move to beautiful Florida!

Thanks for being so open and sharing ... I know there are many people who feel the same way.
