Working on De-cluttering my Mind...

Last Update: April 05, 2012

For months I had been trying to do everything at once. Work FT, while selling items on eBay as well as working on my sites here at WA. During this time I constantly found myself struggling with the feeling of being overwhelmed, simply because I was unable to concentrate on one task without another one popping into my head, dragging my attention off in a completely different direction. On many an occasion I have referred to this as "shiny object syndrome" and it wasn't until a few months ago that I finally realized that I needed to concentrate on one task until it was completed. 

Those who have read my profile, or who have talked to me on the chat know that I try to balance, life, work, WA and selling on eBay all in a days work. While I wanted to be able to concentrate solely on my work here at WA, the clutter of eBay stuff that resides in my office, attic and other areas of my home kept dragging me away, preventing me from getting any work done on my sites. My mind told me I needed to write article content, but the clutter in my mind that had been caused by all the physical clutter, prevented me from formulating a train of thought, even though it was a subject I know a lot about.

That is why I had made the decision to concentrate on de-cluttering. While it has taken me away from making progress here at WA, it is something that had to be addressed sooner rather than later. I found I could no longer balance everything at once simply because it always left me feeling like I hadn't accomplished anything at all.

Its been just over a month and for the first time I finally feel like I am starting to make progress on something. That I finally have the chance to knock something off my to-do list once and for all. I just hope I will done with it sooner rather than later so I can finally get back to concentrating on the key to a successful and profitable future, my training here at WA.

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tommystu Premium
I have been a business man all my life. I've had some great success and some dismal failure too but one thing is constant ... the thrill of being completely in charge of your own life. Why is it that some people get stuck in tramway lines of life heading no where and no matter what you tell them they won't change ... never ... ever. Does anyone know of a good catalyst I could apply for leverage?
smokeywins Premium
I have found that there are 2 different types of people, those that are content with life and those who have the drive to make changes in their life. You cannot help those who are content with their life, because they do not seem to have the drive, or need for a change. You can only concentrate on what you want out of life, and don't let the naysayers weigh you down.
BIS Premium
Some people don't change because they don't want to. You can't apply leverage because it's a lesson people have to learn for themselves. How often have you ignored good advice?
leesworld Premium
Everyone was speaking my mind. I have spent 14 months with WA without tangible success but rather overwhelmed by trainings to the extend that I lost focus. My subscription got expired in February this year without any success. My question now is, I am back HOW CAN I ACHIEVE SUCCESS and i wouldn't loose focus again
smokeywins Premium
My suggestion is always to start with the 30 day plan. It will keep you on track while teaching you the basics to building a successful website. Once the basics are in place, you can build a more in-depth understanding of each element. Try to do too much at once and you will become overwhelmed. Just remember success will not happen overnight, and it does require a lot of time and effort.
WayneBPK Premium
Your right on there. My situation is the complete opposite of yours. My mind is soo hungry for something I'm a babbling idiot half the time. Its been a long time since I've had anything that's challenged me to this degree. If anything I'll have to pull back to let stuff settle in (lol, before Kyle kills me!!)
smokeywins Premium
Ah, I was a lot like that way back when I first signed up at WA. It was so easy to get distracted by learning so many new things that it is very easy to get overwhelmed by everything you're supposed to be doing, while at the same time you end up doing nothing except for becoming more and more overwhelmed.

That is why its totally awesome that they guys created the 30 day training, it at leasts gets you up and running with a solid understanding of the basics with can then be built upon with other more in depth training here at WA. Take it slow, and you will get there :-)
Carson Premium
smokeywins Premium
That is so very true, and it was the hardest thing for me to learn. I can be a bit stubborn at times. There really is no such thing as get rich quick, even something as simple as selling on eBay requires time and effort.

I want this to be my future, to finally have a chance to enjoy life, just need to get a few things out of the way first.
jchilders Premium
You have identified a problem and are tackling it. Good job! I've been in the same boat too. So many different things going on and not enough time in the day. I recently did a similar thing. Quit playing an online game (looking back I had been playing for FOUR years!?!?!) and recently stopped all my other sites to focus on ONE until I make it profitable.
Good luck with your de-cluttering and hope you get back to IM-ing quickly