3rd tutorial complete
I am trying to use my teacher knowledge on comprehension and the pitfalls you find when having trouble comprehending, and adapt it to Internet marketing. I keep reading these forum post where people are confused, and if they could take the time to learn why they are confused, and what part of the learning process is messing them up----
We shall see if people like it. They liked the first one best.
We are getting ready to go to NYC for week, so I am trying to wrap up loose ends here, so I can start fresh when we get back
I need six more articles finished before we go so they can get published while we are away and I can reach platinum.
I need to add some blog stuff too. rework some articles I guess there.
When I get back, the first thing I am doing is taking some of the money earned from writing 100 word Linkvana articles no one will ever read for someone, and buy a .com domain for the retirement thing I started and really try to get that going.
Frustrated, lots of URL clicks, people are visiting my Squids my math product in in the top 20 clickbank sales and still no sale for me. I am definitely doing something wrong and do not know how to find out.