Made It My Own Plan- Minimal Bi-Polar
Last Fall when I first read Pot Pie's Mind Eraser Method, a tutorial on WA and her 1000 forum post, a , I felt for the first time that I had a plan. I followed it adding to Mind Eraser from the 1000 post. BUT I made the mistake of getting too bogged in one product, put all the eggs in one basket. Since I am a teacher and it was a teaching product I had visions of creating this wonderful niche with me being the expert....
Then the crash came in December when --well, I wrote about it on another blog post here --the paralyzed one--.
Eventually, that dream may happen, but there are between steps that must come first.
So NOW this week I have geared up again and have the plan and will stick to it for the next several months, do like the say do it, repeat, repeat.
So what am I doing? I had to make it my own-- figure out what works for me.
- Combining the Mind Eraser Method--soothing-- and the 1000 post lots of little free tips in there--- and Keyword Bible tutorial by mcstir with the How to Use Blogger as a Landing Page tutorial that is currently top of the list on the WA Home page by Scubaman
- What I will do is find a product make a Squidoo lens, and create the blog exactly as Scubaman says.
- Write the 20-30 articles he suggests 7-10 using Ezine templates, ten with Mind Eraser questions from forums and 7-10 re worked, not spun, to a different article directory (learn to use Rapid Writer for that)
- Let is sit for several weeks and move on.
- Use the advice in the tutorial for analyzing if it is worth going to the next step
- Cross that bridge when I get there!
- Niche development
- I plan to use the Mind Eraser way
- I plan to study the Keyword Bible tutorial by mcstir and try to really learn niche development and
- I will alternate these with Pot Pies Quick and Easy Tutorial on making Squids from real products that are proven sellers. That way I can use Amazon Squid monetization AND and my Amazon affiliate status on the blogger thing.
- Next step will learn how to make a niche store
- Cross that bridge when I get there
- Also really really trying to learn about affiliate landing pages. There is another tutorial, second on the WA home page by Fred and the Kyle or Carson Landing Page tutorial that shows a review page. I will stick to just those two guides for awhile until I can make THAT my own.
- Unless a tutorial will directly help solve a current problem, I will stay away from them for awhile-- it just gets to be too much input.
So i have one niche up and running ( a Real product) and am now writing the articles.
I will work on writing articles most of the day, and then spend an hour or so each day working on new niche development--- gathering research and then start the Squid and Blog just like they say to do then articles. It should work out the research and Squid/Blog finish as the 20-30 article are done, so I move on to the new set of articles and begin new research.
Wish me Luck-- I think this is what they mean by taking action--lol--
Yes I know I have to figure out how to work in the follow-up steps for after this first test the market phase is done--- That will be my end of February Blog post!!!
Next weeks blog post should be a day by day time plan I work out.
PS You wonder what Twitter does for us older folks who just never took the time to join it? While I was watching the wonderful special Friday, iIof course did not know who a lot of those people were --knew most the names, not the faces--
So I go on Google and typed in Help Haiti or whatever it was called and there on the Google page are live tweet feeds. I was reading what people were tweeting and voila someone would say, Oh watching so and so they are so good. That is how we figured out who everyone was!!!! And I did not have to become a twit or tweep !
The second amazing thing reading the things people actually tweet about, It seems to me there are a lot of ADD twitters- had they thought before hitting send.....?
This is a very good and informative blogpost about how to stick with one assignment. I learned a lot from it, because I'm one of those people who is jumping around from one course to another without finishing any of those.
Philippe (zeroprivacy=nickname in forum)