Why I chose to do the 30 Day Thing With Marcus

Last Update: September 21, 2010

Those who know me, will probably wonder why I am doing this--- I was afraid i would take a space that someone else could use. Do I know, at least in my head most of what they will teach?  Probably  BUT  I do not know the holes I have-- (yea in my head ;}   Really, this way I will discover any little piece that is missing.It should be the icing on the cake for me--The end of the tunnel?

The other thing is it will force me to do the things I know I should do, but do not always take the time to do because I get bogged down with writing articles.  I tried to do WA blog/funnel  on my own last summer when this all came out--- I got studk when ezine would not take my article onMad Marketing Method because it linked to a page that was  written like I was the author-- that was just enough to throw me off, and I did nothing with it the rest of the summer.  Silly I know, but that is what happens.  I even had a long list of KW from Marcus to use.

Never fear, I have been working hard and have two niche campaigns set up and in the process of building links, so I did not waste my time, I just gave up on promoting WA.  So now I have the structure to do so.  And along the way I will fill in those holes I did not know were in my head----


I finally took several spreadsheets that various people sent as downloads and started using them!  OMG what a difference it makes  Kicking myself for not setting it up before to keep track of all my posts, all the links, where I submitted, when, and the linking I still need to do.  I took TWO DAYS to transfet the two niche campaigns I started this summer.   AND I have all the other little things I started before with Blogger and Squidoo as landing pages---  some OTHER day!




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Frets Premium
Hi Sue ... sounds like we have some similar feeling regarding our entry into the club ... but I'm loving it so far!

If you feel open to sharing, I would love to have some insight into those spreadsheets, as I am just now getting my feet wet with the action component of this industry .... anything like that that would help me stay organized and focus is a plus.

Thanks in advance for any consideration ... and good luck with your (our?) endeavors!
jatdebeaune Premium
Interested to know all about Marcus' Club. Are you going to post more? I hope you find many, yet undiscovered gold nuggets in the course. It's a good idea to do that. Have fun.