Five Ways To Get Traffic To Your Landing Page

Last Update: July 31, 2010

Did you put lots of hard work into building your landing page but no one is opting in? The goal of this article is to provide different methods to help you drive traffic to your web page.

Many entrepreneurs have found an increase in traffic by using some or all of the following five techniques.

1. Blogging: Post an informative article about your niche. As with all good blogs, there should be an opt in box or link to your squeeze page. When you provide value, people want to learn more and will opt in to receive what you have to offer. You can also put an opt-in box at the top of your sidebar and have people opt in to your list from there.

2. Article Directories: This is another effective way to provide value. When you provide information that people want or need, they will be more willing to opt in to your squeeze page if the link is in your author's resource box. To them, you're an expert, and they want to learn all they can from you.

3. Videos: Video marketing has become a very popular maketing method. Simply make a short video about your niche. If you provide information in an interesting and unique way, your viewers will share the videos with their friends. It's important to include the link to your squeeze page so that people can follow it and opt in for more great information.

4. Ezine Ads: The first three traffic methods were free. We will now move on to paid methods. You can find ezines in your niche and place ads in them that lead to your squeeze page. Simply do an online search (Google, Yahoo, etc.) for a keyword related to your niche. You can also check the top sites to see if they have newsletters or ezines where you might be able to place your ad. Another good idea is to sign up for one of the ezine directories to determine the level of quality. Just be sure that the ezine or newsletter you sign up for is in your niche or closely related to your niche and has a large subscriber base.

5. Pay-per-Click: This is an excellent way to drive traffic to your website. However, it is absolutely necessary to study this method carefully as it can be expensive if you don't use it effectively. Use Google AdWords or another pay-per-click service to send traffic to your squeeze page.  You will want to set a daily spending limit or you could wind up with a large expense at the end of the month. Decide what you're willing to spend, and then come up with some keyword- rich ads that will encourage people to click through to your squeeze page.

Using these five ways of traffic generation will surely get the traffic you want to your landing page, but there are many other techniques you can try as well. The point is that you must do something. Traffic doesn't just happen. it will be necessary for you to go out and get it.

To Your Success,

Phyllis Jordan


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