What Is The Perfect Product To Market? Join Us Tonight To Find Out!

Last Update: February 28, 2010

What Is The Perfect Product To Market?
Join Us Tonight To Find Out!

(See Below For Webinar Details)

Two Questions:

  1. In your opinion, what would be the Perfect Product to market in this economy?
  2. And… what would be the Perfect Way to market it?

These are two questions that everybody should be asking themselves right now. (And it would sure help to know the answers wouldn’t it?)

What Product… and Why?

Here’s what I think would make the perfect product. See if you agree.

  • Something that everybody wants
  • Something that everybody needs.
  • Something that nobody ever has too much of.
  • And, no matter who you are, you always want more.

That would be perfect. But, is there really such a thing?  Yes. And we have it. And you can too.

Our Product is… Money

But our product is not paper money. Our product is the most beautiful and precious of all money. Our product is cold hard cash.  We market Silver and Gold Coins.

The news is full of stories as to why you need to own Silver and Gold. But, there is one type of Silver and Gold that historically and consistently has outperformed the growth in value of precious metal Bullion coins.  That is Numismatic Silver and Gold Coins.

Collectible Coins

A collectible coin is one that has been examined by experts at one of 3 recognized independent grading companies, and is then documented as to its condition. A score of 70 is perfect.

It’s worth How Much?!?

Listen to this.  A plain old, uncirculated 2009 Silver American Eagle is worth $20.  A Graded MS69 Coin would be worth 50% more:  $30.  But a coin, judged by experts to be a perfect coin and graded Mint State 70, is worth $125 at retail right now, and depending on where you look, is selling for much more than that. 

To really drive home the point, a 1997 Silver American Eagle that is graded a perfect MS70 has a retail value of $500. Remember, a bullion coin of that same year would worth a fraction of that amount.  (About $20.)

A HUGE (Secret?) Industry

While you may or may not know this, the coin collecting industry is enormous.  And, because of renewed, and vigorous interest in Silver and Gold, it’s becoming even bigger. 

It’s hard to believe just how big it really is.

Last year the coin dealing industry was valued at ten billion dollars… and that’s just in the USA. (Just to give you a comparison, that’s about the size of the entire pet industry with all the dog food, cat food, birdseed, cages, and pet toys!)

Again, that’s just in the U.S.A. Worldwide, the Coin Collecting business is over one hundred billion dollars.  And, of course we have the ability to grown internationally.

Dominating the Field

However Coin Dealing is a very fragmented field.  It’s mostly ‘mom & pop’ size businesses, with no Company being the dominant player.

Numis Network is positioned to become that dominant company.

This is very much like the real estate industry back in the 70’s.  That was a multi-billion dollar field, and was highly fragmented.  It was run by lots of ‘mom & pop’ sized companies.  Then one day, a famous real estate franchise came along, with their gold colored jackets, and changed real estate sales forever. They systematized things.  They raised the standard for all real estate sales companies.  Ultimately this benefits the consumer.

There has been nobody in a role like that in the coin dealer industry… until now.  Numis Network is positioned to become that dominant player.

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If you can't make the webinar tonight, then visit the link below at your convenience:

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Your partner in success,

Phyllis Jordan


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