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1 hour Live Video Training
Broadcasting Live on
AUG 2024
at 10:30 pm (your local time)
Presented by Minakshis
Premium Member Since: Jan 25, 2013
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India would be completing 90 years of independence in 2036-37. In its journey in the last 75 years, from gaining independence in 1947 to 2022, India’s growth path has followed an interesting pattern. The country had followed a mixed ideology for the first few decades under centralized planning and by 1991, decided to undertake significant reforms and open the domestic market to global economy. Since 1991, reforms in the financial and external sector as well as in industrial policy have yielded positive results. Consequently, with increased opportunities and competition, the growth rate increased substantially as well as the investment rate. The economy is robust and withstood the onslaught of the Asian crisis and the global financial crisis.3 The second-generation reforms in agriculture sector and labour market are being initiated which are also expected to lead India into a higher growth trajectory. This study aims to scientifically attempt a gaze into the upcoming 15 years of India’s growth trajectory. In the past, since the Second Five Year Plan, India has been making projections for growth rates, based on certain econometric models. These were generally short-term models, making projections for 5 years, and examining the demand and supply side of the economy, taking into account select sectors and variables. The long run growth projections have generally not been attempted in policy making, both domestic and globally. To make long term projections, India would probably need to examine the growth theory, considering labour, capital and technology.


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