#2973 New Premium Member Dashboard Activity Item
We would like to show a list of the latest 50 premium members with an Image, showing 5 at a time.
This block will be sticky so it will always be at the top of the page.
We want these to be different every time a user refreshes their page. We also want these to update automatically as the dashboard updates. A user should be able to sit on their homepage /home, and as the dashboard updates, these images change.
Rather than making SQL calls, we could store all the records in memcache, and display the records randomly.
- Select the latest 50 (latest_premium_users) users who have images, and are Premium.
- Collect the latest 50 premium users using a CRON job that runs once per hour.
- Store these records in memcache
- The dashboard will pull 5 records randomly from memcache
Keep in mind that we should not rely on memcache, so we might want to go the database rout. It will be a very simple call to select 5 random records from the latest user's table.
This block is only shown to FREE users on their dashboard, not premium.
Welcome Message
On-click of the icon-chat, it will pop-up an input box where the user can submit a message. This message is posted on the user's profile. All normal system notifications should be triggered just the same as if the user posted the message on the profile its self.
Only display icon-chat if the current logged in user has not left a top-level comment on the user's profile. If they have, then do not show that icon.
If the user has both followed, and left a top level comment on the new Premium user's profile, then do not show the bottom overlay at all.