How to turn NO into YES!

Last Update: August 08, 2016

The number one reason that people don't do well in sales is because of the amount of rejection they have to deal with.

Non of us like to be rejected but we do it all the time to other why should someone say yes to you? Is it because you are the nicest person they are ever likely to meet? Is it because you know better than most? Is it because your product is the best on the market?

Being the nicest does not make you an authority.

The truth is, none of those reasons are relevant in the end, because there are only two reasons a person buys anything, one is they need it and the other is they can afford it! (There are many justifications for need....)

So when you are creating your niche you need to think about whether it fills a need and the market you are aiming for can afford it.

It's no good marketing luxury items to people who don't earn an income or marketing cheap items to a wealthy market. So think very carefully of who your audience is.

There are other items that can embellish your product and that is presentation. If your product is poorly photographed, poorly described or poorly costed then you are in deep trouble. Even descriptions of your products need to be accurate as well as practical. Reviews are terrific sellers of your product.

When you are developing your website you need to take all of this into account.

If you aim at the right market you are more likely to get a yes. Find communities within your niche. Do a good review of your competitor because this will give you credibility. Never put down someone else's product on your site, it's a certain turn off, unless it is a helpful unbiased warning....but that is dangerous territory.

Have people review your site and most importantly, would you buy from your own site?

Also you will need to use all the tools at your disposal to make sure the message you are conveying on your website makes sense and you are not being ambiguous in your descriptions. Benefits need to be clearly outlined, not just the function of your product....all the bells and whistles in the world won't sell your product if someone can't see the benefit.

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Minakshis Premium
Being the nicest does not make you an authority.
kyle Premium
When you are developing your website you need to take all of this into account.