Posts by Umesh5 192
Hi There! The community here is full of amazing people, with a lot of expertise. I know you are going to quickly realize that. In fact, you are going to be able to tap into this knowledge and expertise at any point as you move forward in the training.I assure you that you have definitely made the right choice in joining the community here at Wealthy Affiliate, you are going to love it here and you are going to quickly realize we care about YOU and your success online!In the coming days and week
1 comment
We’ve all heard the old saying that “less is more” and at Wealthy Affiliate we absolutely believe in this when it comes to processes that lead to success.From a technical standpoint, removing steps, making it easier to navigate and find the things that you regularly need, simplification of training and removing potential road bumps for those just getting started is critical. And when it comes to mindset - it can seem daunting when you are getting started and see 25+ tasks in y
1 We’ve all heard the old saying that “less is more” and at Wealthy Affiliate we absolutely believe in this when it comes to processes that lead to success.From a technical standpoint, removing steps, making it easier to navigate and find the things that you regularly need, simplification of training and removing potential road bumps for those just getting started is critical. And when it comes to mindset - it can seem daunting when you are getting started and see 25+ tasks in
October 21, 2022
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October 06, 2022
Normal user video blog two
October 06, 2022
Normal user video blog 2
October 06, 2022
test norml blog
testing video blog from Normal user
Like equates to trust. Trust equates to your ability to sell something with efficiency. So if this is the process, HOW do we get someone to LIKE us.Attaining likability with your audience is going to be a critical component of your overall marketing agenda, and it should be embedded directly within your content creation. Since you don't have the capability to leverage "offline" marketing techniques like eye contact, listening with attentiveness, remembering names, need to understan
Hi Everyone!I hope that you are having a productive and awesome week! Today I'm excited to officially tell you about some WA platform updates that we've released in the past week or so, specifically related to the LIVE CHAT!Over the years the live chat in WA has been the heartbeat of the community as it streams thousands of messages a day with everything form friendly "Hello's" to extremely helpful "How to's" and answers to all kinds of questions related to building a thriving online biz. Tod