Many people are unsure as to what type of domain they should choose when promoting WA.

Should you choose something that is keyword rich or should you choose something that is brandable.

Should you choose something that is targeted at a specific aspect of WA (web development, keyword research), or should be you be more generalized with your domains (earning money online, online marketing, web business)?

My answer is up to you. I typically choose something that is brandable and memorable because ANY sites content can and will get ranked.

I do also suggest you consider having your own domain if you are going to plan on making an honest attempt at promoting will lead to more success.

Yes, having your own domain will lead to more success. It gives you full control and you will be building an asset. So when you are ready to commit and get serious about the promotion of WA, I suggest you (a) become a premium member if you aren't already (b) pick up a domain.

You will not regret it.

If you have any domains or any ideas, any questions you want to run by us about domains for promoting Wealthy Affiliate, I would be more than happy to help you out.

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