A niche in Time

Last Update: April 03, 2011

 OK ...So you have a JOB  .. Many of us do.. after all what  are we with out purposed income a  jelly fish?

I Didn't Think So

Income is good.... all is noble.

So, are you living up to your nobility?

OK OK ..I know we are not Roy-al Speak ... but  with all the hoopla around that wedding , don't  you wish you could make that cake?

Just some flour to ponder.. bon appetite.


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WRI Premium
P.S. This recipe is real .. you can make it as mild or as hot as you wish by adding to the key ingredients.
WRI Premium
:) Joan.. she can cook and bake... and seeing how Google is eyeballing good recipies these days.. check this out a free link to homemade salsa.. save the money and still impress your guests..to receive your free salsa recipe leave a query in my profile comment box.
Behealthy Premium
Whats that? The royal wedding. Pah! Who cares. Not me :) I like cake though :)
Labman_1 Premium
You talkin to me?
jatdebeaune Premium
What did I hear? 2 cakes? One chocolate, and one fruit cake. I'm with Prince William. I'll have a slice of chocolate please. Good niche Wes.