Are We Helpless ???

Last Update: December 11, 2010

I have listened to the complaints...

I have seen the laws...

I cry out ...Are We Helpless?

does LAW have us so constricted we can not breath?

Have we become so apathetic we just roll over moan and say...




Everyone is looking for a solution from someone else it seems.



I ask again,

Are We Helpless?



Carbon tax and food regulations threaten to steal our very existence.

As fear leads us down many a blind ally,

Paranoia creeps in and people clam up.

Are We Helpless ????



Building codes forbid us from developing  communities with a carbon foot print so small it could virtually be called zero.

We will allow a tax on cow flatulence.  

Yet we are skeptical of self sustainable biospheres, true freedom and congruent living ?????

Are We Helpless???



100,000,000 to one says we are NOT helpless !!!!!!!

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Wes, Just got an oil bill that makes me feel a little helpless today. I wouldn't mind a smarter environmentally healthier way.