Getting Tough While Standing Tall

Last Update: November 30, 2010

Excuse me if this offends you, but at least ask your self why if you listen all the way through it.

I offer no contempt nor praise on this.

All I can say is "WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE" and we all know how !!!!!

We must at all cost recognize hypocrisy in our own hearts do our best to change it with in ourselves .

Is It really that hard to grasp?

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jatdebeaune Premium
Wow! Not familiar with the music, but sure get the political message. The music conveyed the message perfectly. Time to wake up and be accountable. No one enjoys thinking about it but what's the alternative? Pied piper can surely lead to destruction.
Jamie Smith Premium
It is a crazy world we live in. Thanks for posting that clip on your blog, have not heard this song in years. LOVE that guitar solo by Marty Friedman, he is a very nice and talented musician!
WRI Premium
magistudio Premium
Not so sure about the political message, but I had an awesome time listening to it as the song was one of my favs in high school.. rock on!
WRI Premium
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