Learning The WAU Way

Last Update: September 27, 2010

When I first signed in to the virtual campus at WAUI was instantly reminded of the first day of my freshman year at college. All the feelings of excitement at what possibilities awaited me, the feelings of awe at the vastness in how much there was to learn, the humbling feelings of seeing seniors and wondering if I could measure up, all those feelings came flooding into my being, and I must say I felt quite overwhelmed to say the least.

Then I remembered orientation and how a senior walked us freshmen around the campus reassuring us if we followed the guidelines laid out, we would do just fine as long as we applied ourselves and kept to a consistent regiment. It was in the moment of that memory, the 12 week action plan at WAU really caught my eye, and I began to think about courses and credits. Suddenly everything started to make sense. 

It was then I fully realized what WAU really meant and just how valuable it really is. The Wealthy Affiliate "University" is just that a learning institution, and the beauty of that realization was it is one where you can earn as you learn. Earn real cash credits ( ie MONEY) as you learn, and to be honest I can not think of any other legitimate school of learning that offers anything even close.

As I  began to digest that, I became aware of how to manage my time. It was so simple it almost flew past me, one quarter at a time "3" months at a time. That way I would not succumb to burn out by trying too do too much to fast.

Three courses every three months, master them and move on. If I really put myself to that earning as I learned, the possibility became very real that after just three years, potentially I could be making more money than a neurosurgeon.

Now at this point I feel I need to clarify some things about myself.

1. I do not have unlimited pockets, but I do have time to spend

2. I am persistent and patient

3. I am willing to apply effort  to reach my goals

4. I look for lessons in adversity ( failures)

I realize everyone is not the same , but I do believe we all to some degree ...share... relate to ...or at least have the ability develop an attitude of  " I Can"

I suppose that is what I really love the most about learning the  WAU way. It not only reinforces the "I Can' attitude, It shows you how you can. 

Who could possibly ask for more than that for less than 3 dollars a day?

BTW... Just in case you are wondering.. will you be left out  in the woods to fend for yourself once you've joined WAU? . I can emphatically say NO way !!!

The community at WAU is  by far the most open and friendly group of people you will ever meet in any stretch of the woods...:)


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WRI Premium
Thank you Carole, I write from my heart, its the only way I know how. I also agree the universe responds to seriously and sincerely focused thought and effort. WRI are my initials.....:)
Am a great believer in the 'persistence effect' - it's as if at some point consistent and persistent effort towards a goal takes on momentum of it's own - as if the Universe says " ah, yes this guy really is serious about His / Her goal"! Also like your writing style as it is sincere and very natural - what does WRI stand for?
WRI Premium
Thanks Prinker,
I used this blog entry as a rough draft for an article I am writing. I have never written one before. I submitted the the updated version to the article marketing topic in the WA forms for tips and suggestions to improve it. please feel free to view it...all advice is welcomed.
prinker Premium
Great blog! I like your outlook. Also your writing style is very good; you'll do well with your article writing - I'm sure.