Reworking WA Blog and Funnel

Last Update: November 28, 2010

I think I need to vamp up my WA blog and funnel. When I first set it up I was under the perception we where bound to the existing theme and the only other one shown. At that time I did not realize the flexibility we had in choosing a theme.

So its time to step my WA promotion up a notch and see if I can get it ranked. Setting up the legs of your IM business takes time, especially if your new at this game. I have learned so much in the past 3 months it amazes me.

I do believe that getting those legs up and running, monetized as well as list building is the path to auto pilot, one just needs to learn how to effectively fly first, then flip the auto pilot switch.

 Have a great day :)



BTW I update so much cause I am slightly dyslexic many pardons, lol.. but now ya know why I would have driven the Google bots insane. :P

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