Tackling the Learning Curve (Vocabulary)

Last Update: October 14, 2010

Hello WA buddies and new members !

Here is a helpful tid bit for all the newcomers.

When first entering the realm of internet marketing it's easy become overwhelmed and feel frustrated at the vast amount of information surrounding you.The enormity of this quite frankly can be mind numbing, but it doesn't have to be.

First things first

Just as anything else there are certain key elements to learn that lend understanding to the flow of things. For instance with algebra you have to learn what points, lines, exponents, sets and subsets are before you can begin to understand equations. Internet marketing is no different, one of the first things to understand in internet marketing is the vocabulary.

How this will help you

Although this may obviously appear as common sense to some, it is usually taken for granted.

It has been proven that attention to a topic is greatly reduced and learning almost ceases when a word or phrase is skimmed over for lack of understanding.

The reason being, the mind either substitutes it's own interpretation or leaves that area blank.

Either way you will have a misconstrued understanding of the text, which will require relearning 

I hope you can see how knowing just this simple little thing ( your vocabulary) will save you endless time and needless questions(not to mention possible embarrassment).

I've put my foot in my mouth more times than I care to mention.

Knowing your vocabulary will allow you to understand the flow of conversations in forums, on blogs, tutorials, as well as web pages, affiliate programs and search engines with ease and clear understanding.

It is for that reason I am sharing this.

Any newcomer who may be struggling to understand what a particular word or phrase may mean and does not know where to look.

I have two Dictionary/Glossary resources to share with you 

One can be found right here in WA.

The WApedia definition database is located under the help tab on the WA homepage, however, here is a quick link to that valuable resource.


I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with it and bookmark it for future reference in case a word or phrase stumps you down the road.

The other one I am sharing with you is one you can bookmark on your browser, so if you are outside WA, and need to know in a pinch, you will still have access to key terms and their meanings.

You can access it free from this link.(this is not an affiliate  link)


I sincerely hope this helps anyone who needs this.

Please feel free to leave me any comments or questions you may have I will be most happy to help you anyway I can.

Your WA buddy,



Talk about irony there I was just a preaching about  vocabulary and I spelled tackling WRONG .. Thank you WA moderators for not posting it to the home page until I corrected my error.





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Labman_1 Premium
I just did an article along those lines. Sort of. I'll post a link to it when it goes live. Ezine is still taking their time with my approvals. Actually the article was more along the lines of focusing content on the audience.
ProSparky Premium
very helpful! This should be the first lesson here at WA.