The Changing Face of the Internet

Last Update: October 15, 2010

IT'S HERE !!!!!!!!

Very exciting news

Sony has announced the launch of internet television today with the first TV integrated with the Google service.

You can expect to see them in the market place within one to two  weeks.

The series is called the NSX-GT1 and has four screen size options to choose from, 24, 32, 40 and 45 inches. The price range varies from $599 - $1399, however, a Blueray with the Google feature, model NSZ-GT1, will be offered for around $399.

Because Google only builds the software technology for the GITV (Google internet television) hardware, it is expected other companies will quickly follow Sony's lead with their own answers to Sony's version.

The software is built on the Android platform, uses the Chrome browser and is powered by an Intel Atom processor.

Although past attempts to integrate the internet with television have had less than desirable results,due to poor connectivity associated with dial up and lag time. New advancements in technologies shine a promising ray of hope in this latest endeavor.

You will be able to pull anything you wish from the internet using Google TV. With the huge online game industry in full swing and Web 3.0 knocking on the door it seems interactive television may be just around the corner.

As internet marketers this is a huge opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the niches that will be associated with this development.

What exciting times these are !!!!!!

Your WA buddy,






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WRI Premium
One more thing to consider is the new Super Wi-Fi that is about to hit the market. Major communication corporations are already clamoring for a piece of that pie.
WRI Premium
That is a very good question. I will defiantly look into that,. I wonder if existing ISP's like AT&T, TimeWarner and the gambit will provide ready access to GTV. It seems logical at first they would, I know if I bought one I would want pug and play already having internet service.

Thanks for the insight
Labman_1 Premium
This does sound like a direction for the world. I wonder what the subscription rate will be. I'm sure they have a monthly charge to make sure they get residuals. Only makes sense. I've been an antenna user all my life and get all the programming I have time for FREE. Don't really have it on much. Just never saw much need to pay for a service. My wife calls me cheap but appreciates having no cable bill.