The Elements of Success

Last Update: October 16, 2010

Hello fellow marketers and friends,

Wes here, and today we are going to talk about the elements of success and touch on integrity.

What are the real elements of success, everyone seems to have their own opinion on what they are, but what are they really?

Some say hard work and determination will bring success, still others say it's who you know that gives the advantage, and I am sure we all can agree education is definitely a key ingredient to success.

So what really determines what makes one person successful while another one fails?

How is it that when two people are marketing the same useful product one excels and the other doesn't?

To really understand the answer you must be able to think outside yourself and within yourself simultaneously. You must be able to ask yourself critical questions and provide valid answers for them.

You must be both the merchant and customer, it is from this view that integrity stems

And when viewed in this light ATTITUDE becomes illuminated.

Attitude has everything to do with feelings, when you have a good attitude you feel good and the opposite holds true as well.

Think about this simple scenario for just a second and allow yourself to feel it.

You have heard about this great new restaurant and you are really excited to go eat there.

So you get there and right off the bat there's a long line. You may say to yourself, well this could be good, if this many folks are coming out the food must be great. After about a half hour of waiting you are seated, and begin to look around with excitement at the decor. In about 15 minuets the server appears, and you think to yourself finally, because at this point you are becoming somewhat impatient.(THIS IS A CRITICAL TIME). 

Because now the demeanor and ATTITUDE of the server will play a key role in determining if you will:

a.) Walk out and say forget it.

b.) Bare through it and resentfully eat your meal (no matter how good the food is).

c.)  Realize and understand they are extremely busy and are doing everything they can to accommodate you while enjoying the concessions offered.

d.)  Give them repeat business.

WAIT!!!! ....... are you saying I buy things because of an emotional attachment?

Well.. Yes and No

Let me ask you this,

Lets say you want to buy a diamond ring for your wife you heard her awe over when she saw an add on the TV, or a new set of golf clubs for your husband you know he has been hankering for, and only two stores sell exactly what you want, OK?

The first store you enter has a pleasant atmosphere and the environment is professional. The sales person is well dressed, knowledgeable, and answers every question you have. Still you can sense a distraction, like he or she has something more important to do. How does that make you feel?

The second store is exactly the same as the first except for the sales person. This one actually takes an interest in YOU, and makes sure you are totally satisfied before you purchase, and assures you if you have any problems you can always rely on service. How does that make you feel?

Now I think you can see which marketer succeeded and why.

So there it is so simple yet so hidden.

The features are what you were looking for, but the ATTITUDE is what you bought.


You knew what you wanted before you purchased it but ATTITUDE is what sold it.

I am so excited to tell you this :

There is something extremely positive going on right now that is on the cutting edge of transforming the way business has been conducted in the past online as well as offline.

Those who see and recognize it are making adjustments and those who are just realizing it are in an excellent position to realize their dreams.

As few as 1 in 2000 can recognize and take action on these changes are you one of them?

Do you have the right attitude? 

Do you have a willingness to learn?

Have you continually striven to make a positive difference, but felt stifled ?

Are you one who has always felt destined to succeed, but didn't fit the status quo?

Have you grown weary of leaders who misguide and swindle you?

Do you feel deep down "together" we can make a difference?

If you answered yes to these questions great things may be awaiting you in the New Economy, but only if you take action, and the fact that you have read this far indicates you may well be ready too.

This journey is only beginning so come along, be yourself, you have everything to gain !

Your WA buddy,


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jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with everything you said Wes. The New Economy is going to be different. People are going to be very entrepreneurial, more than ever, and treating customers with integrity and kindness are going to be imperative in order to have soaring success. I always thought it would be a cordial gesture at restaurants that have long lines, to have someone come out with a tray of light hors d'oeuvres while they wait. Nothing to fill them up. Just entertain them. Wouldn't you love going to that restaurant?