The Key to Success

Last Update: November 26, 2010

We all want the key to success and  we have been conditioned to believe we don't hold it. So we look we vainly look else where trying to validate ourselves along the way, When the real truth is we all hold it ,sometimes we just need others to see what we can't, Humility is being able to see within and with out, giving where  needed and taking no more than what's given.

That is the real key to success, as marketers in the new millennium we should all strive for justice and fair play, forgetting the old ways , bringing in an era of truth the NWO can never touch.

Peace and blessings be with you.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Wes, I certainly feel a lot of change happening. It'll be great if we are entering an age of enlightenment. In many ways, the world is better.
Louise M. Premium
So true. I deeply agree with what you say.
sophia13 Premium
Thankyou for these wise words Wes they touch my heart and elevate my spirit