Turning a Negative Into a Positive

Last Update: October 02, 2010

How many times do we really look at both sides of a coin, or in this instance a situation ? Allow me to relate something to you, I know you have heard of Einstein's " Theory of Relativity" ( for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) right?

Well, do you realize and understand just how much power is in that statement waiting for you to pick it up and run with it? I mean how you can literally use it to turn a negative into a positive! Think about that for just a moment.

No, this isn't rocket science, although grasping this ideal may very well help propel you up the ladder of success. How so you may wonder?

Let me share this story with you.


Meet Clark, an average person, who works at a factory with other folks just like him. Clark has a very good work ethic and gets along well with all his co workers. Clark's bosses even like him, even though they boss him around, cause that's what bosses do ya know.

One day Clark goes to work just like every other day, but this day Clark's world changes. On this day Clark and all the other employees are gathered together for a very important meeting. The management informs Clark and all his fellow workers that the factory is closing and in 6 months they will all be layed off.

Can you imagine the chaos, fear and anger that all those employees felt?  I certainly can, and sadly for most that is where it ends. They resign themselves to "oh well" that's just how it is what can I do?  Then scramble around  to secure another JOB, never realizing the power they hold.

But Clark was just a little different. He began to realize that as long as he bought into the "oh well" mentality he was allowing someone else to control his life by default, and nothing would really change for the better. He began to really think about that and how it impacted his life,the closing of the plant really drove it home.

He had responsibilities and obligations to meet, he had counted on his job at the plant. Suddenly, it was Gone. Now it was all up to Clark. So Clark decided, if it was all up to him he was no longer going to allow himself to be put in that position again and set out to take charge of his own business and life.

He began to work in a focused and deliberate manner towards that goal. At first it was hard, he had a lot to learn.When he felt overwhelmed, he would catch his breath and pace himself. Looking back at the plant kept him motivated and soon a wonderful thing happened.

He realized that the closing of that plant was the best thing that ever happened to him. It directly caused him to change his life for the better. Now he was not only enjoying a level of success far beyond anything the plant could have ever offered him but he was truly free as well.


Way to Go Clark !! You proved it really is all in how you look at it and turned a negative life situation into a positive living reality.

P.S. Please don't think I am implying there is anything un-noble about being an employee or that anyone should quit their day job.

However, I do believe the only way to financial independence is to develop and grow your own business.

















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Absolutely agree with you - a few months ago I was teaching on the 'Response to Redundancy' programme and my first session was called 'Crisis or Opportunity?' my main aim of the programme being to help people take charge of their situation and create their [successful] future