Posts by Anindochk 10
Sitting in a couch and talking about the world is not the best thing to do. Things happen, people come and go, governments come and go, but it the people who are stationary. It is they who have all the power to change their own worlds. Today, there is a grave ethnic problem brewing in my nation that has resulted in rumours galore.Immigration is a raging issue worldwide. It is no different in India. In the north east state of Assam lies, BODO, a tribe of plains. They are the indigenous population
As a sports lover, I was overwhelmed by these two people. Every Olympics brings in new people, new set of stars, new techniques of mastering sports, but these two just remain in their positions. Of course Phelps having admitted as this being his last one saddened me immensely. But then, who can forget him - The person with the most number of medals in the history of Olympics! Whuff!!!! These people are called true champions. They are just relentless. In Beijing, Phelps took everything in swimmin
I had interest in Twitter since a long time. My first website had 1000 followers and i was over the moon. I have decided to market all of my websites through twitter henceforth. A few days back I opened an account on it for my new website. In 2 days, got loads of followers. I also bought a book about twitter marketing - "Twitter Marketing - An Hour A Day " by Hollis Thomases. As soon as I bought the book and started reading it I realized, that my whole concept about of marketing in Twitter was
It has been two weeks since I started my website Internet Sales Rules. I was anxious what and how to go about it. From the choice of design to understanding and trying out too many things, my mind was frenzied with radical thoughts. But, that is what stands out in WA. You keep getting words of wisdom that help you not only to achieve financially, but stay calm and focused in life. As the calmness grew in, I realized that designs and colors are just the cosmetics of a brand. It is the value from
Just dowloaded File Zilla and Netbeans for some heavy coding sessions with a friend. CSS and HTML are the two easiest of languages to learn for a coder and I am giving it a shot. Although I know other technology languages, but HTML and CSS have a market of their own. The best thing about them is their live viewable features that make them so cool. You just have to make a single code change and behold - there is a change in the appearance. The adrenaline rushes in the deepest experiences for a co
I am very confused over the last few days as to what I should sell. I started writing a book on Karma and the underlying philosophy behind it 3 months back. I have been very busy with studying people as to how they react to situations and whether or not the reactions appear Karmic or not. Even if they are not Karmic, there is a semblance of Karma in them. So now, after writing the book for while, I had developed a side interest in Affiliate marketing. Now, the love seems to stay and I want to pr
June 19, 2012
During my college days, there was a trend of becoming socially savvy over the net. Top ranks were given to those who were bloggers and they were always held in high esteem. In that very situation, I developed an inclination towards blogging. To be honest, I already had a writing flair but then blogging is something different to a newbie. So, I decided to do something different (of course, being different, was also a hot trend).I gathered some friends, tried to motivate them and then reached a co
Over the last year, I have worked in a large corporate that employs humongous amounts of people and experienced some interesting things ( I don't like to call them interesting, but have to be fair to them). Over the same year, I have searched frantically about starting a business online. Through that process, I gathered some experience as well. Though a 1 year experience is nothing compared to people who are working since years, but still I shall give some facets of the two parallel worlds t
I got my domain selected finally. Thanks to wealthy affiliates, who helped me in identifying the domain that would be useful for me. I have a desire to open a website that would focus on internet sales and sales in general. The website would and should generally focus on identifying opportunities for sales in the internet and help others (at the same time help ourselves as well). In order to do that, i needed a domain name that would be sales related.The first thing that I did was posting a quer
June 12, 2012
Just joined WA!Seems a little weird as well as exciting that I am with some esteemed Affiliates who are in this business since a long time. I was wary of joining WA university as my previous experiences have not been outstanding with many websites. To be honest, my 10 day trial period got over in a wisker and I realized that after the expiry period! The immediate reaction was "uhhh! I wasted another opportunity". But then, I am an engineer from India working in a software company that has over