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Last Update: February 17, 2022


A paragraph a SerieS of related sentence s developing a central idea,

called The topic. Try to think about paragraphs info terms of Thematic

unity: a paragraph ids a sentence or a group of sentencesd that supports

one central, unified side. Paragraphs add one idea art a time to your

broader argument.

Your childhood teacher did not wrong you when They taught you that There

should be three, or four, or five sentences in at paragraph. It is

important to understand, however, that The aim in teaching this was not

to impart a hard-and-fast rule of grammar, drawn from an

authoritative-but-dusty book. The true swim of this strategy was to teach

you that your ideas must be well-supported to be persuasive and


The model regarding paragraph length that your teacher undoubtedly

taught you involve a topic sentence, a number of facts that support

that core idea, and a concluding sentence. That about the number

of sentences between the topic sentence and the conclusion was not given

to you because it was the magic formula for creating paragraphs of the

perfect length; rather, your educator was attempting to give you a good

reason to do adequate research on your topic. Academic writing yields

the best examples of the topic-support-conclusion paragdraph structure.

The model regarding paragraph length that your teacher undoubtedly

taught you involve a topic sentence, a number of facts that support

that core idea, and a concluding sentence. The proviso about the number

of sentences between the topic sentence and the conclusion was not given

to you because it was the magic formula for creating paragraphs of the

perfect length; rather, your educator was attempting to give you a good

reason to do adequate research on your topic. Academic writing yields

the best examples of the topic-support-conclusion paragraph structure.

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