Feeling Stagnant? Do Something

Last Update: September 30, 2010

Hi WA Buddies,
I know it's been awhile since I have written anything. I have let my marketing efforts slide (shame on me) and have focused on something else of more importance. Myself.(Well, Shoot. I think I'm important anyway.)

 Basically I've been working on improving my health. It hasn't been easy. In fact,it has been downright frustrating. I don't now how many times I have wanted to use the big "F" word in conjunction with certain bodily functions and go back to the easy livin' lifestyle I enjoy so much.

About now you are probably have a thought along the line of "What the heck does improving one's health have to do with marketing concepts?"

Think about it.

Setting goals, taking action, working on improving your skills, researching and I can go on.... are all connected to make it whatever it is you are trying to succeed in doing come together.  Sort of like gardening and marketing (previous blog comparative of mine)

Now, as an example I will  use myself once more for clarification.

Forty-five days ago I began a fitness walking program. It was an on the spur of the moment kind of thing, and I really can't tell you what made me start. Maybe I was tired of carrying around an excessive amount of weight. (70 lbs)Maybe it was watching a documentary on how many people my age (58) are dying because of the  habits we settle into along life's journey. At the end of that first mile, my body was sore, I was out of breath, I was hot and sweaty, and I smelled bad.

I could not see any improvement whatsoever in my health. I wanted to quit.

Well, here I am after a month and a half of continued walking, workouts and healthier eating and I have lost 10 pounds. I still have 60 more pounds to lose, but with continued effort and a strong commitment, I'm confident I'll reach my goal.

Marketing and improving one's health pretty much use the same techniques:

Set goals,
Take Action,
Improve Skills

and remember "The first step is always the hardest, but you'll never get anywhere by just standing around in the same spot!!"

I wish you all  SUCCESS in whatever it is you do.



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Honey Premium
Hey, Barnabus! Welcome back on the scene. Great post and I can totally relate. Got a few bad habits I'm trying to kick. Goes to show you just can't quit. Congrats! And best wishes to you.
famousplumber Premium
Great post! I am 63 and retired. I totally relate to the "health thing". Although I have stayed extremely busy since retirement, it has been mostly desk work. You hit the nail right on the head....marketing and self-care are so parallel! Thanks for the insightful share.

Larry (famousplumber)
Louise M. Premium
So true. I used to be a lazy person about basically everything, used to finish some papers at the last minute, postpone a lot of stuff but when you start to make decisions and DO the things you say you're gonna do, this way of thinking and doing applies to every aspect of your life, affiliate marketing included. Great feeling, right? Thanks for this post Barnabus. :)
Barnabus Premium
jatdebeaune- Hi there. Thank you. Oh most definitely feeling a difference. Too name a few I have more energy, not as hungry all the time and the desire to do more. Oh and one other thing - less craving for a cigarette. LOL
jatdebeaune Premium
Barnabus, I cheer you! You can't market anything if you don't have a body. Seeing to your health is the most important thing to do. Are you feeling a difference?