Neat Keyword Research Tool

Last Update: December 16, 2009

Every morning I read through a (enter favorite prefix  here) -load  of e-mails trying to get me to buy something, try something, give something , or do something. Most claim to make me rich with no effort on my part. Thank goodness for the check mark for  bulk erase.

This morning along with the 60 or so "promises of undying ops" one piece of mail caught my attention.

It was for a no cost keyword research tool found on Google called the Wonder Wheel. (Sounds like one of those things the Late Richard Pryor experimented with in the movie  'The Toy')

Anyway, come to find out  'Wonder Wheel is a tool for doing Keyword research for articles, get ideas for websites, and it's pretty damned interesting. Now, some of you old keyword farmers probably know of this tool and say "Oh yeah, I tried it. Just another Google tool." For some of us rookies, it's a smart tool. Another tool in our shed for finding the 'just right' keyword phrase.
 So here it is 'The Wonder Wheel' ( I hope you can understand the instructions)

1. Go to Google, then type in the keyword into the search box you want to research.
    Under the search bar you should see "Web+Show Options"

2. Click on the plus sign  (+)
3. Look on the left side bar, scroll down until you see the heading 'Standard View'

4. Click on ' Wonder Wheel '
    (The wheel should appear with the related keywords  you typed in your search box.)
5. You can go as far as you want to down the wheel, finding different keywords each time.  
As a special added treat, look over at the "Results" on the right hand side of the page and you can see how many webpages or websites are competing for the keyword.
That's all there is to it. The rest is up to you.
It's just a pretty neat tool to use for Keyword research. ( At least I think so.)

Now, go play and my best wishes for your continued success.

Peace !


(PS - I am going to post this in the forum if you don't want to comment here)

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idm Premium
Thanks for the tip Barnabus!
MarlaineV Premium
You're right... it's a great tool for us rookies! Thanks for the tip!