Road Trips and Niche Idea Gathering

Last Update: June 18, 2010

A week ago I was struggling to come up with some new article ideas. Now, I'm overflowing with all sorts of neat stuff. How was this possible? By taking a small vacation by way of a road trip.

Everybody should take a road trip now and then. Getting away from work, works miracles in refreshing your mind. Leaving the trappings of the daily grind isn't always easy for many of us. Most of the time,daily responsibilities overide any desires for "movin' on down the road." If your job gives you the even half the chance of getting away for a few days...... take it.

If you have a family or pets take them along...or not. If you have too, take your laptop along, or whatever device it is you spend most of your time with. Tell your networking chums you'll be out of the net for awhile. When I took my recent road trip I left all my tech toys (except the camera) at home . When I returned home my tech toys were still waiting for me and all my networking aquaintances were still talking to me. The only downside was having to spend an extra 15 minutes sorting through all the E-mail which had accumulated in my inbox.

The old pen and writing pad proved to be enough to jot notes down about the places I visited,the things I saw there and the way I felt.

Do you realize how many niche ideas you can come up with when taking a road trip? I lost count after the first couple of dozen. I didn't write them down until the end of the day. It's hard to write anything down when cruising down the highways and byways of America's road systems. A voice activated tape recorder would have come in handy.(one of the items on my new niche list.)

You know the biggest surprise behind it all? A road trip wasn't really neccesary to discover niche ideas. I've heard from others about taking a look around where you are this moment. You'll find something. I use to think it was just B.S. Not anymore. I understand the concept now.

If something makes me happy,or solves one of my problems, couldn't the same idea make others happy or satisfy their needs?

So, in wrapping it up, take a break from the your busy schedule and wind down a bit. Enjoy the free time and do whatever that makes you happy.

I did.

Life is good. Peace.

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Barnabus Premium
Thanks for commenting Sandmeister and jatdebeaune,
Riding down the road thinking of how nice it would be to have sunglasses, cold water on hand, and a talking road map that doesn't cost a lot would have been ideal to carry along on a trip. Why do I never think about these things before I travel, I'll never know. Thanks again for stopping by. Barnabus.Peace
Sandmeister Premium
G'day Barnabas, what a breath of fresh air.

Your quote hit me right between the eyes:

''If something makes me happy,or solves one of my problems, couldn't the same idea make others happy or satisfy their needs?''

Simplicity. simplicity, simplicity.

Thank you for caring and sharing.
jatdebeaune Premium
You're right, Barnabus. The best way to get fresh ideas is to change your environment. I'm doing that today. We'll see what happens.
Barnabus Premium
Thanks for stopping by Allegro..It must be nice to travel like that. I just returned from a trip up to the Smokies and out on the SE coast. An RV would have been nice. Sounds as though you have a pretty good time...and I can understand why you have seen a fair share of niches..LOL..Stay safe out there, and enjoy the road.
allegrobusman Premium
I"m a avid RVer so the road trip happens very often for me. Just a sample of my travels since Jan. Lajitas, TX, Las Cruces, NM, Albuquerque, NM, Southeast, NJ, Benton, Ky (Kentucky Lake) Red Bay, AL, Langston, Al,, Parnel Creek, AL and next week Louisville, KY. I'm accompanied by my wife and our two Boston Terriers. Seen my fair share of niches.