Blog Redactor HTML Code

Last Update: April 08, 2015

Affiliate Bootcamp

Blog Redactor HTML Code

This here’s a test. “It is only a test.” ‘The end.’

<? echo "Welcome to Redactor"; ?>


<a href="">link here</a>

<p>This is a <b>test</b>.</p>


<a href="">link here</a>


<a href="">link here</a>

<p>This is a <b>test</b>.</p>

<script>alert('hi');</script><a href="">link here</a>

is some text that refers to a
map (Fig. 2).


This is some
text that refers to a photomicrograph of sample VC923 (Fig. 3).

Check Figure Numbering

Your references to figures must occur in numerical
order.That is the first reference to
figure number 4 should be prior to the first reference to figure number 5, and
you should not skip any figure numbers.I have included in this document a script that will check this for
you.In the special toolbar that should
open with this document, there is a button that creates a report highlighting
errors in the order of figure citation.Click that button now to get a figure citation report

Now, try switching the order of the references to Figures 2
and 3 in the section just above and run the report again to see what happens
when you’ve made an


9.0.0May 30, 2013

·We did a great
job with the code, improving it's reliability, and making Redactor even much
more flexible.

·All-new API with
tons of new methods and features (see

·Improved Redactor launch, especially when there're multiple editors on a page.

·Improved feature of formatting with paragraphs.

·Improved and completely rebuilt lists feature.

·Improved blockquotes.

·Improved code clean-up. The output code is clean and valid.

·Improved localization; linking a language to Redactor is now easier than ever.

·Improved alignment.

·Improved air-mode with multiple editors on a page.

·Improved undo/redo.

·Improved code formatting for pre tag.

·Improved handling of style and script tags.

·Improved Amazon S3 upload (see example).

·New settings allowedTags and deniedTags.

·New option of formatting using linebreaks - allows to format text with br tag (see example).

·New option - placeholder (see example).

·New mode of Redactor in fullpage for iframe allows to edit the whole html-page (see

·New callbacks syncBeforeCallback and syncAfterCallback. These callbacks trigger with every
change in Redactor.

·New callbacks focusCallback and blurCallback.

·New option to launch Redactor in code mode (see example).

·New setting allows to select between using strong and em or b and i.

·New feature: use php formatting in code mode.

·New feature: turn linkAnchor and linkEmail on and off. By default, one can insert links only.

·New feature: imageUploadCallback and fileUploadCallback return an image object or a link to
a file.

·New setting activeButtonsAdd allows to attach active status to the custom buttons (see example).

·New shortcuts for regular text and headers.

·Now on browser's window resizing toolbar buttons all automatically set in two lines (works also
on mobile devices).

·Fixed scroll to the top issue when inserting link.

·Fixed focus losing issue for toolbar commands.

·Fixed garbage span tags in Chrome ? Safari.

·Fixed issue with line breaks on Enter in some browsers.

·Fixed issue with shortcuts in some keyboard layouts, that utilize Right Alt for national
characters. ·Fixed issue with formatting, that created multiple folded elements.

·Fixed: in IE window.beforeunload fires on toolbar button click.

·Fixed: an issue with deleting spaces when pasting from MS Word.


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