June 5, 2012 - System Update

Last Update: June 05, 2012
Hi Everyone,

We have just rolled out some great new functionality here at WA that I wanted to let everyone know about. We are always working on updates in the background, many of which are influenced by member feedback and suggestions. If you have any suggestions or feedback on the following updates we would love to hear from you!

So let’s just get right into it:

Top 10 list

We have created a list of the top 10 blog posts and training resources and this can be found right within the main dashboard as a new option. The top 10 list is a frequently updated list of what is popular right NOW! So much awesome content is added to WA on a regular basis and the items that are really active are difficult to find once they are gone from the Global and Personal dashboard feeds. The Top 10 List will help this content remain in the spotlight for as long as it is active. We rank all blog posts and training resources every 15 minutes so this list will be very up to date with the most popular content at WA.

Share Wealthy Affiliate

By popular request we’ve updated the "Share Wealthy Affiliate" page in the main menu. We’ve now added a chart so that you can see the past 30 days activity of free invites, new sales, and recurring sales.

Invites = People who join WA for free through your invite link
New Sales = New people who you have referred who join full-time
Recurring Sales = People who you have referred who are still part of WA full-time

We have also provided you with a way to invite people that you know by email in the "Invite your Friends" section. Years ago we used to have a getting started course called the 8 week action plan. In the first week we provided members with a single email field to invite people they know to check out Wealthy Affiliate. This has returned!

** Please note that we will be adding the sample output of the email sent in the coming days **

Below the new chart is a toggle button that allows you to toggle between "Invite Friends" and "Training". Clicking on Training will display the most relevant training on how to earn a very healthy income stream from inviting people to WA.

New Search Box

The search box has been added to every page within the Open Education Project. You will notice that there is a new "Options" button on the right hand side of the search box. Clicking this will provide you with search options. Currently the only options is that you can type "@" before your search to search for member usernames. Or you can click the option and it’ll add the "@" for you. In the future there will be more options available for finding content within WA.

Typing a search by default searches the training center
Typing an "@" sign before your search searches for members

Shortcut Feather

Late last week we added the shortcut feather to the header at the top of each page. Clicking on the down arrow will give you shortcuts to creating content here at WA.

  • Create New Resource
  • Write New Blog
  • Build New Website
These frequent actions are now available to you on every page within WA!

Let us know what you think!

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Recent messages
PotPieGirl Premium
Great new changes!! Thanks y'all!
Carson Premium Plus
mhamilt Premium
Looking good! I love the way WA is being updated so often these days! Couple of things: Is the actual 'feather' icon meant to do anything? It looks like it can be clicked but nothing happens when you do. You say there will be more options for search in the future... searching blog posts would be marvelous! It's disconcerting to click a tag on a blog post expecting to see others of the same and get taken to the training area. Personally I think more could be done with the floating header... I don't really need to read 'Open Education Project' all the way down the page... something more à la Facebook's header, with a search bar, perhaps an easy way to get to the top of the page (and back to the navigation) again.

Overall I'm very pleased with the OEP and the current changes. Great work guys. Mark.
Carson Premium Plus
mhamilt Premium
Thanks Carson! Is there any word on Projects/Jobs or has that been scrapped?
kyle Premium Plus
Jobs/Projects has been removed indefinitely for the time being. The reason why...

There are much better alternatives out there for outsourcing and getting freelancing jobs. Fiverr, Scriptlance, Elance, Mechanical Turk, etc. We may bring something back in the future, but unless we can create something that makes "more" sense than these (ie, superior) then there is no point in reinventing the wheel.
mhamilt Premium
Fair enough, every time I went into the Jobs section it seemed rather dead. More important things to focus on!
kyle Premium Plus
Absolutely..much more important stuff. It was also becoming a incubator for spammers and scammers, something that we do not condone.
veronica.l Premium
Thanks for adding this feature, it will sure be helpful :)
Carson Premium Plus
TheRichWoman Premium
This is great. I have been missing the old layout a bit and I think this will be very helpful.
Carson Premium Plus
Apina Premium
Thanks for these, Im sure you and Kyle will continue to add more features in the future and it is awesome that you are both actively looking to improve WA constantly.
Carson Premium Plus