New blog on 3rd

Last Update: April 11, 2015

It is official, Carson and I are proud to announce our latest division of Wealthy Affiliate. The “Sleep” division, better known as SiteSleep”.

According to World Statistics Bureau, people waste on average 7 hours of their day sleeping. It might not sound like much, but add this up over the course of a year and you are spending up to 3.7 months of your day sleeping.


How the heck are you supposed to run a lucrative business online if so much of your time is actually wasted to sleeping?

That is why Carson and I have spent the last 3 years developing our “brainchild” platform here within WA: SiteSleep. In fact, as of tomorrow you are going to see a brand new tab under the SiteRubix tab.

This is a platform that is going to essentially put your site to work for you while you are catching some shut eye and rejuvenated your brain for the next day...automagically. This means new content, this means refining your campaigns, this means optimizing your SEO campaigns, this means doing research and this means earning you more MONEY!

How Exactly Does This System Work.

Every night before bed, you are simply going to head over to the SiteSleep platform and you are going to enter the tasks that you want done for you while you are catch some zzz’s, and presto you wake up to this system completely.

Creating content can be an arduous task, in particular when you are trying to scale a website that will make you unlimited amounts of money. That is why we have spent a good deal of time implementing processes to provide actual automation within the SiteSleep system.

Since the monkeys do the bulk of the work, we have created an intensive, algorithmic masterpiece that is going to redefine the way we look at the capabilities of computers in respect to performing our tasks. It complements the Monkey logic in a very elegant way.

We have taught it to write content in over 2,000 languages and in close to 400,000 niches. You set the keyword, the system does the rest.

For example, last night in beta testing I ran a small job of 200 articles on my site. Here is an example of one of the articles that was created, optimized, and processed through the botnomics semantic indexer (BSI for short). I typed in “dieting review” into the system and WHAM!

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