Posts by Carson 1652
May 17, 2018
This is Flower Blog.Testing blog.
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Your blog here at Wealthy Affiliate is a great spot to communicate with others in the community and let people know about your progress, your successes, and ultimately your experience as you move through the crazy and exhilarating world of online business.
May 02, 2018
Yeah, that's some of the boys jamming it up.Well, miracles will never end. I just got an email from Google Analytics, with some new figures that look encouraging. (I'm being purposely understated because I don't want to lose my cool.) I saw the number 12,000%, in red. Okay, okay, I don't really know what that means, but I think it's probably good, but I just want to make sure and not get excited.Okay, so here's some numbers: I had 121 visitors, 191 sessions, an increase of 3083%. Okay, does tha
The day is finally here, we have just released the brand new UX (User Experience) here at Wealthy Affiliate. If you are reading this, you likely know how different the new platform looks compared to the old. It is MUCH improved.About this time last year we started our idea development as per how we could design the Wealthy Affiliate platform to better suit the needs of our users, how to make it more intuitive to navigate, clean up redundancies within the design, set it up for a much improved mo
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April 05, 2018
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April 01, 2018
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