This is to test for blog image

Last Update: July 18, 2015

This is testing.

Im sitting here in the kitchen, using my lap top to work on Wealthy Affiliate, while stepping frequently over to the stove to stir a luscious batch of Apple Butter and delight in its spicy, sweet aroma. What a great life! A true laptop lifestyle ~ Although I'm not in my pajamas! LOL

As I have been stirring (and there is a lot of stirring that has to be done!) and smelling this lovely concoction, I began to realize that making apple butter is very much like what I am doing with Wealthy Affiliate. "How’s that?" you may wonder.

Well, I spent yesterday harvesting, peeling, cutting and bagging apples from our heirloom apple tree. (It’s pretty old and worn out - like me, but it still loves to please me with its treasure.) Then I decided what I wanted to make from some of the apples and I chose a recipe.

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