Upcoming Releases: The Community at Wealthy Affiliate is Going to WIN.

Last Update: December 06, 2023

Hey Everyone,

I've got some exciting news to share with you. Here at Wealthy Affiliate, we have some BIG updates lined up in the coming weeks ahead, and the coming months ahead...and naturally, 2024 is going to be a year full of releases as is every year.

But, these changes are not just minor tweaks. We're positioned to introduce changes that will redefine how you approach building a business online, and the process you follow to build it.

They're designed to boost your operational efficiency... and you're going to love how easily you are going to be able to move through all of your core tasks, from research, to management, to content creation, to publication.

Our key focus is to put more "time" back in your hands, it seems that this is one thing that people are really missing these days and conventionally, building a business has taken a decent amount of time.

We are not just redefining through technology and new platforms, we are going to be taking a brand new approach with our training here to keep it more current than ever, and more integrated than ever.

Let's have a look at the upcoming launch schedule, and give you some initial insight into our goals with each.

Business Hubs with AI Blueprinting: The Game Changer (December 5th, 2023 Release)

Let me start by cracking open the details of our first big launch: the 'Business Hubs with AI Blueprinting'. If you're like me, you log into your "business" and often times sitting there staring the screen for a bit, wondering what your "next task" is, or even what to do.

You dance around between idea development, keyword research, architecting content, and design side activities, to content creation, publishing content...etc.

Business Hubs at Wealthy Affiliate

Setting your daily direction for your business can sometimes feel like solving a complex puzzle. However, with our latest innovation, we're reconstructing the thought process, with technology.

The 'Business Hubs' platform is designed to give you a "birds eye" view of your business. Consider it your business' control tower.

We are taking care of some of the bigger tasks, research, organization, idea development, and productivity tasks with Business Hubs. I know it is going to blow your mind, and there certainly won't be another place like WA to build out your business on the internet. We are rethinking how online business SHOULD work, and building it.

Mark your calendars, because we're scheduling to roll this out on December 5th.

Now, wouldn't it be great if there was a streamlined platform where you could learn and build your business simultaneously? That's exactly what we have in mind with our 'Core Training Refresh'.

The Much Awaited Refresh of Core Training, Bootcamp & OEC (December 5th, 2023)

You asked, we listened. Our 'Core Training Refresh', a hefty update directly tailored to the community, and the NEW process of building a business online that we are architecting. We are going to be rolling out this platform with Business Hubs, as it is integrated directly into hubs.

By intersecting the NEW training with our 'Business Hubs' and 'SiteContent' (and soon to be AI Authoring) platforms, we're streamlining the learning experience – the same environment where you'll be building your actual business.

The outdated training material for some of the core training is going to be a thing of the past. Our new house rules are going to ensure no training resource will exceed a ten-day "outdated" limit.

Up-to-date, relevant, and streamlined – that's our new core training approach. It's going to be a game changer for newbies getting rolling, and those looking to interface their business with their education.

The Exclusive BETA Access to AI Writing Platform (December 15th, 2023)

Now, if you're a Premium Plus+ member, we have additional exciting news for you – an exclusive BETA access to our 'AI Writing Platform', starting December 15th, 2023. This is something that we have spent a lot of time on, and are continually refining and polishing to get high quality, SEO ready, AI-assisted content.

AI Authoring - SiteContent
This process is going to be completely streamlined, and tied into all of the other platforms that we have (or are) rolling out. This includes the Article Designer, and also the Business Hubs platform.

We are running an exclusive Premium Plus+ beta to get it well tested and polished before we put the "full load" of the community on it. After that period of testing we will be rolling it out to the broader WA family and community here. :)

Often, we are restrained by our expression, but our AI-assisted platform intends to channel your voice and rethink the content creation process. This is an opportunity to experience a new world of content production – fast, efficient, and authentic.

It’s a peek into the future and it this platform is going to evolve quickly based on the wants and needs of the community, and an entire slate of 2024 plans we already have for it.

There will be no other place to create web content in the world.

Full Release of Our AI Writing Platform & Beyond (Early 2024)

Early 2024 brings our Full-Release of our 'AI Writing Platform' that will be a "full community" reveal. For the first time, all members of the Wealthy Affiliate community will have access to this groundbreaking tool...it's going to change the game for you and your business

Imagine no longer needing to grapple with the constraints of time and brain power bandwidth when building out your content. This is something that we ALL have faced when building a business online, but that no longer needs to exist.

Our focus is always going to remain "AI Assisted" not "AI Created". The reason for this is that AI will never be perfect, but can speed up processes 5-10x with some level of human intervention (and in our case, technology built on top of it).

People building content the "old way" are no longer going to be your competition. You will be able to focus on your creativity and be able to solve bigger problems than ever with platforms like this. That excites us, and being able to use this platform myself for the last 4 months, has opened my mind to the potential of this new world.

A new world that YOU are going to be part of. ;)

As we wrap up 2023 and cross into 2024, we are committed to providing cutting-edge platforms and updates designed to boost the efficiency and productivity in your business. That is our focus.

It’s more than just tools and training though; it's about transforming the landscape of building businesses online with affiliate marketing, making it more accessible and effective than ever before.

With new (and novel) platforms like Business Hubs, Article Designer and our AI Writing Platform, we are keeping you at the forefront.

Stay tuned for the exciting future ahead - I assure you, it will be worth the wait.

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