Wealthy Affiliate Hubs - Our Biggest Release Yet!

Last Update: December 06, 2023

Hey Everyone,

The day that many of you have been waiting for has arrived! We have just released the "Business Hubs" platform here at WA, and you can embrace the future of WA and the future of building businesses online.

This evolution that is taking place is not some random occurrence. It's a meticulously designed innovation, a product of a year-long process of rigorous brainstorming, planning, and execution...and a long "in house" beta.

The inception of the Business Hubs platform was built to help solve many of the core challenges faced by internet entrepreneurs. Building a business online often takes a great deal of effort. From the research to the content creation, to the broader management of your business, we wanted to address all of these issues in a centralized platform.

We harnessed all of the latest technology and the newfound power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), to create what we feel is going to be game-changer environment to all aspiring and successful online businesses.

Let's have a look at the platform...

Simplicity and Efficiency, With the Hubs Wizard

Stepping into the world of online business is confusing, and overwhelming. We wanted to ease this process, and we feel as though we have "nailed" down the experience for someone as they enter into WA through the "Hubs Wizard".

Hubs Wizard

This is a 5-step process that will take an absolute newbie through the process of choosing a direction for their business, aligning that with a brand, and getting their website up and running.

This includes:

  1. Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate. An introduction to our company, and our ethos.
  2. How Do You Want to Make Money. This is where you can choose your "Own Niche" or choose to "Promote Wealthy Affiliate".
  3. Choose Your Niche. This is where you choose your niche for your business, using the AI Niche Finder.
  4. Pick a Brand. This is automatically generated based on the niche that you have chosen, and will help you quickly discover a brand (leveraging AI as well).
  5. Build Your Website. This is where you finalize your URL, and build your website. You can go through this process in seconds if you want, or you can take a bit more time, but we don't recommend taking any longer than 5-10 minutes.

Within this Wizard, you are going to see a different version if you are Starter, versus a Premium member. As a Premium/Premium Plus+ level member, you are going to be able to take an existing website that you have hosted here, and build a Hub for that website....or you can do that for all of them.

There are different limits on Hub Creation.

Starter = 1 Limited Hub
Premium = 3 FULL Hubs
Premium Plus+ 10 FULL Hubs

Each hub is in essence an entire business, so for example you will be able to run and manage up to 10 niche businesses on the Premium Plus+ membership.

As a Starter, EVERY single newcomer that makes it into the back office of WA now has a niche, website, and a hub. :)

Within this Wizard we're using AI, not as some fancy addition, but as a thoughtful tool that significantly improves efficiency within a process that "used to be" difficult. Choosing a niche, brand and building a website used to require over a week of training and technology, now it is done in minutes (or seconds if you want).

By having AI handle much of the heavy lifting involved in building your business, we are helping newcomers get their footing right away.

Alright, let's look into the

A Closer Look at the Features of the Business Hubs Platform.

Unlike any tool you've seen before, the features of the Business Hubs platform offer a NEW level of speed and efficiency. Every component has been specifically designed to facilitate the expansion and management of your online business.

Let's have a look at all the aspects of the platform.

Feature #1: Direct Website Access. The first feature I want to highlight is the direct access to website details and back office. This allows you to view all critical information in one glance, making administrative tasks easier. The platform's efficient layout aims to minimize time spent navigating through pages within WA, trying to access different aspects related to your business. Your website access is now fully integrated inot te are that you will be building your business.

Hubs - Website Management
Feature #2: Website Structure & Organization. One of the most important aspects of building out your business, is how to structure and build it out properly. Within this section of Hubs, you are given and immediate framework of 10 categories, and 120 content ideas to kickstart the building of your site. You can add new categories for a better organizational structure, ensuring smooth navigation for your users.

Hubs - Website Structure & Organization

Feature #3: Milestones. Creating a website might sound like a colossal task, but we wanted to offer you a "progress maps" of sorts through the Milestones section. With this you can track and celebrate all your content milestones as you move forward. Every notch is a big deal to your journey to success, and your journey to growth.

Hubs - Your Milestones
Feature #4: Integrated & Immersive Training. Then there's the immersive education right within the platform, that is something that we have always wanted. For each hub, you have a fresh set of new training to help you build it out.

And for newcomers, there is no more "where do I get started", as it is front and center and full integrated into where you are building out your actual business. It's like having a mentor by your side, guiding you through each step of the process.

Starters get access to the entire first series of classes (8 core lessons), and this is what is launched with this. There are another 12 lessons coming to the core training this week, and this training is going to have additional training tacked onto the end of it to help you continue to advance your knowledge and skill set at any level.

Hubs - Training

Feature #5: To Do List - Writing Task Management. Managing your content creation process becomes a breeze with 'To Do' tasks. It organizes your writing responsibilities and directly ties them into the SiteContent AI Article Designer (when you click Write Article). This streamlines the research to content process, and this can now be done more efficiently than ever.

Hubs - Writing Tasks
Feature #6: Niche Content Ideas. For those moments when creativity hits a wall, we have you covered with the Niche Ideas section. Within this platform, you now have access to 26 categories (and counting) of content ideas, and these cover a broad range of different types of search terms. You can perform Jaaxy research directly from these sections, and you can add them directly to your Writing Tasks "to do" list.

Hubs - Niche Topics & Ideas
Feature #7: Keyword Research Integration. The cherry on top? We have incorporated keyword research right into the platform. Through the 'Add an Article' section, you can fire up keyword research at any time, find keywords, and then advance your keyword research with Jaaxy keyword (which is built in).

Keyword research has never been this simple, or integrated.

Hubs - Keyword Research
All these features work together, to make up Hubs. With Business Hubs, owning and growing an online business really has never been so achievable, regardless of your prior experience or knowledge.

Membership and Hub Allocation: Making the Most of Your Subscription

We aim to offer value across all experience levels, whether you're just dipping your toes into the online entrepreneurship world or you're a seasoned, full-time authority blogger looking to build a portfolio of successful websites.

Starter members, who are on their journey to explore the potential within the online world, are going to get a good (but limited) introduction to Hubs and WA. This includes a limited hub, the ability to go through all of the initial 8 core training lessons, and also the ability to use research component, and create and publish content to their website. They no longer have access to the Activity Feed or Chat, as those are exclusive to the Premium/Premium Plus+ memberships.

If you're a Premium member, you've got access to up to 3 Hubs. The ability to manage multiple businesses under one account, and this includes Jaaxy Lite integration and full access to all the core training (which will be 20 lessons this week).

The Premium Plus+ members, who are serious entrepreneurs ready to conquer the online business world, can build up to 10 Hubs. This provides the ultimate environment for multi-faceted business management, from various niches to different target audiences. This includes integration of Jaaxy Enterprise, and of course all the core training.

There's no need to worry if you wish to experiment with other niches or free up Hub space either. You can delete existing Hubs, and that will free up room for a new one.

Delete Hub
No matter the number of Hubs your membership level grants access to, the opportunity to create, manage, and optimize your businesses is in your hands now, and it is more efficient than ever! The idea is that you can now be more productive with your time, and accomplish more than ever through the newfound efficiency provided by hubs.

The Future of Business Hubs: Our Commitment to Innovation.

As the saying goes, 'The only constant in life is change.'

This couldn’t be truer when it comes to technology and innovations at Wealthy Affiliate. We're excited to share that this is only the beginning for the Business Hubs platform. Our eyes are already set on the future of hubs, aiming to bring you more features, more efficiency, and more possibilities.

Thus, we want you to be aware that this is a BETA release meaning that there will be bugs with a size of this release and there will be rapid changes and fixes coming as we find them. With a release this size, we don't anticipate it will be 100% flawless, but we have been using and testing this platform for several months so we have caught many of the bugs already.

Our plans for the Business Hubs platform are BIG. In fact, we already have a full year's worth of updates mapped out, and as we get feedback from the community here we are likely going to be integrating a lot of new ideas that we have yet to think of.

This platform going to be at the forefront of the online business building industry, and is going to facilitate ALL facets of online business eventually.

Looking ahead, we can't wait to see how you take advantage these new tools and how they truly have a positive impact with your business success. Remember, we are here to support your journey. So, here is to YOU, and to the exciting future at Wealthy Affiliate. Let’s embrace this new chapter in our history together!

PS. As always, if you ever have any questions or feedback, please leave it below.

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