One of the most powerful aspects of Wealthy Affiliate is that you can ask questions and get the answers you are looking for incredibly fast. The only bad question is the one that you didn't ask. One of the most powerful aspects of WA is that u can ask question.

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harrods222 Premium Plus
How many times the reply and top comment is to be tested.
indrani26 Premium Plus
Reply to harrods comment on another users question.
This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard.

This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard. This is a long comment added from dashboard.
Carson Premium Plus
reading Premium
Thanks for the reply
Carson Premium Plus
reading Premium
This is ready for the new comments.
Carson Premium Plus
harrods222 Premium Plus
kajdhsf jasdhfjkasdhfkjadhsfkj ahjsdhfkjasdh fkjahds fjhajsd hfjka hsdfasdfasdf
reading Premium
This is reply to harrods comment This is reply to harrods comment This is reply to harrods comment This is reply to harrods comment again. This is reply to harrods comment
Carson Premium Plus
reading Premium
Carson Premium Plus
reading Premium
check message here.
Carson Premium Plus
reading Premium
Much more than expected.
Carson Premium Plus
Bunge Premium
harrods222 Premium Plus
This is new reply but not from referrer.
Minakshis Premium Plus
You can include the user's First Name by using the following variable in the message. You can include the user's First Name by using the following variable in the message??
It's Wednesday
Bunge Premium
adsfasdf asdfasd asdf