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We make goals for a reason andalthough we don't always achieve them as quick as we planned, if we stay focused on these goals we can achieve things we never thought possible. Dreams can be built. Passions can be leveraged. And it can be an extremely fun journey.

We don't want you to give up on your goals and we hope that if you do end up deciding to quit WA, that you continue pursuing these goals. Make your dreams a reality and keep your focus on these goals. Success is a journey and the road to achievement can be a little bumpy, but that makes it that much more exciting.

There are 2 billion people using the Internet, regardless of the direction you head online there is a very large number of people there that you can connect with. Members here at WA succeed at the highest <span class="redactor-keep-figure redactor-component" data-redactor-type="image"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/wa-app-video/uploads/1/wysiwyg/discussions/6d03ba5eb787fd83b64d62935bf2c104_1537328725_cropped.jpg" width="200px"></span>


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This quote by Theodore Roosevelt is a brilliant one and one that sums up the journey of those that are successful quite nicely:

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”

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